View Full Version : Terrified I have melanoma

14-09-15, 04:17
Hi. There is more sun now and so I started thinking about sun protection. But now my thoughts have turned into an obsession with all the moles on my body, some of which I think may be cancerous. There is one that I have had for ages and sometimes but rarely itches and does not appear to have changed in appearance (the GP thought it looked OK when he saw it ages ago but I didn't mention the itching) and I am certain that it is cancer.:weep: I just really need someone to talk to me about it at the moment.
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier.

14-09-15, 06:21
The best person to talk to about it is your doctor. Without being able to see it, it's not possible to comment and we cannot diagnose on here anyway - we're not qualified.

Go and see your doctor for reassurance.

17-09-15, 16:53
I was convinced I had Melanoma for a while. Went to the Dr. and he said within 10 seconds that it was just a scab. If came off the next day.

Point being, Doctors are very well trained to spot these things and if they were OK with it, you should be too.

Stay vigilant of course, but don't let it consume you.