View Full Version : anxiety is sky high and just need a friendly ear please

14-09-15, 10:18

Morning all,

SO I have been trying to keep my HA under control but this morning it has hit me with a vengeance and boy im in a bad place. I don't normally post hear.. I generally come and read for reassurance but today I need some help.

My family has a history of Cancer and currently my sister is fighting colon cancer and my granddad terminal lung/skin cancer.

My GP has made an appointment for me for a colonoscopy as it is hereditary - the appointment is the 7th Oct (im dreading it) and on Friday I had a smear test (I am 31 and first one)

I am now in a blind panic about my smear results as I have not been regular with them and of course I believe it will be the worst possible result. I am also so worried over the colonoscopy as I do occasionally get fresh red blood in stools and have IBS type symptoms..

any reassurance or kind words would be kindly appreciated

14-09-15, 10:24

Morning all,

SO I have been trying to keep my HA under control but this morning it has hit me with a vengeance and boy im in a bad place. I don't normally post hear.. I generally come and read for reassurance but today I need some help.

My family has a history of Cancer and currently my sister is fighting colon cancer and my granddad terminal lung/skin cancer.

My GP has made an appointment for me for a colonoscopy as it is hereditary - the appointment is the 7th Oct (im dreading it) and on Friday I had a smear test (I am 31 and first one)

I am now in a blind panic about my smear results as I have not been regular with them and of course I believe it will be the worst possible result. I am also so worried over the colonoscopy as I do occasionally get fresh red blood in stools and have IBS type symptoms..

any reassurance or kind words would be kindly appreciated

awww, lottie59,

i can understand your anxieties and concerns- cancer is a horrible thing. i have lost family to cancer in the past, and know how devistating it can be.

but you know, i think you're brave.. i think you're brave reaching out to us here on the anxiety forums and sharing your concerns with us. no one knows what the results are going to be yet, but what ever the results, what ever the outcome, we'll be here for you.. to talk to, or just for a listening ear, or for a hug.. i hope you will update the forum on what's going on

14-09-15, 10:31
Emily67 thank you for your kind words.

of course I will keep it updated with results. daft isn't it HA.. one day I was perfectly fine the next day I was complete mess.

14-09-15, 10:44
Emily67 thank you for your kind words.

of course I will keep it updated with results. daft isn't it HA.. one day I was perfectly fine the next day I was complete mess.

these things happen

and sadly that's 1 of the down sides to anxiety or mental health in general

1 day you could be absolutely fine, and then the next day something happens and itj ust sets you off

14-09-15, 10:59
I went through something similar 6 months ago, had to have colonoscopy and gastroscopy. I was in such a state I was literally ill for weeks and in the end results were ok. Wether you worry or not the results will be the same, so don't waste any precious time making yourself ill with worry. I learnt that lesson in a very hard way. Good luck with results xxx

14-09-15, 11:38
Fingers crossed all will be fine. Try not to read too much into it but as has already been said, the results will be the same whether you worry or not. This is something we always forget and is probably the hardest thing to do. In the meantime try and keep busy and put all that adrenaline to good use. Also use it as a lesson, smears every 3 years and keep up your appointments xxx

14-09-15, 12:20
thank you every one x

14-09-15, 12:47
Good luck Lottie wishing you well :hugs: I think it's the long wait we have for tests that makes things worse, weeks of worrying in the build up

14-09-15, 13:58
it certainly is the wait for the test and then the wait for the result which is agonising.. the colonoscopy I believe you receive the results there and then..

of course today I have self diagnosed myself with every cancer going.. my head actually huts and its all because I am anxious of my cervical screen results which will take up to two weeks to be posted to me