View Full Version : Just looking for reassurance. Anyone else had this...

14-09-15, 13:10
So, for the past month I've been getting these random rashes that come and go. If I scratch them, the rash becomes about 10x more noticeable. I'm trying to reassure myself this is anxiety, but I've never had this happen before. By the way, sometimes scratching the rash will make hives appear. My GP looked at them for literally a second and said they were just stress induced. Has anyone else had rashes that just come and go? My big fear is lymphoma especially since the right side of my face is slightly swollen and refuses to go down. I had an abscessed tooth that i got pulled approximately 3 weeks ago, but my face is still swollen. I can't tell if it is my lymph nodes that are causing the swelling or something else.

I'm also having this weird feeling in my head. It's really hard to put into words, but I suppose the best way I can describe it is like I'm in a light headed fog. It's really hard to concentrate and it seems I'm like this all the time. I was really worried about a brain tumor, but I've had 2 neurological exams and a CT scan all of which came back clear. I'm trying to convince myself this is anxiety and I don't need an MRI. The best evidence of it being anxiety is that it mostly goes away when I take Ativan, but I don't want that to be my go to fix. Sorry for the rambling post, but has anyone else had this kind of weird brain feeling? It's really scary and I feel like I'm losing my mind. I'm going in for a psych eval in a couple of days so I really hope I can get all of this sorted out. Would just really comfort me if I knew I wasn't the only one!

14-09-15, 14:49
Yep, I have had the rash thing loads of times...and as you say, the fact that when you take Ativan it goes shows that it is anxiety xxx

14-09-15, 15:32
Thanks a lot sial72. It's nice to know I'm not alone. It's really amazing how anxiety can affect you on such a physical level. I've suffered from social and panic attacks since I was 14/15 (am 25 now), but have just recently started to suffer from HA. I've never experienced so many symptoms when I was dealing with the social anxiety and panic attacks. Now, it seems like I get new symptoms everyday. Very aggravating.

14-09-15, 16:02
From what I know from a lot of people that seems to be quite common progression with anxiety, first years quite mental and then becomes more physical as well xx

15-09-15, 06:46
Well, it certainly sucks! Can't wait until I can put this past me (and I know my family can't wait either!). I really appreciate the reassurance, sial72

Has anyone else had a weird brain fog/feeling before?

15-09-15, 07:11
Rashes, upset stomach, diarrhea, blackouts, dizziness, mental fogginess, thumping headaches and a list of other symptoms longer than my arm all caused by anxiety all the time or at least until I got help. It is a long, hard and very tough journey through anxiety and depression but IT DOES GET BETTER I never thought I would but it does. You are loved by those around you and you will get through this. The physical symptoms are sometimes worse than the mental ones but your doctor will see you about your symptoms as long as you've admitted to them that you have anxiety they often take your symptoms more seriously as they know how your physical state can affect your mental state and vice versa. We're all here if you need us keep strong.

15-09-15, 07:23
You are certainly not the only one, in fact, sometimes I also have this bad feeling

15-09-15, 12:28
Thanks a lot notelrac87 and an4re1s. It's nice to know I'm not alone and am not completely crazy. Currently itching like crazy and have sporadic rashes and am terrified I have lymphoma or some type of oral cancer. This is so exhausting and I just want it to be over. Honestly, at this point, it would kind of be a relief to be diagnosed with something just so I can stop the questioning. I think it's the uncertainty/constant worrying that is most draining. Thanks again to the both of you!