View Full Version : Ridiculous walk to and from work, i.e. evening panic

14-09-15, 13:52
The more I think about this, the more I annoy myself, but I feel like it might be useful to let it out, and see if anyone else has experienced a similar thing, or is in a similarly ridiculous situation as I am.

Basically, I work in shifts, and I find it easier to function in the mornings. I can accomplish more things, go more places without feeling panicky. As the day goes by, however, I find my anxiety more difficult to manage so I usually spend quiet evenings at home. The problem is that every other week I work the evening shift, and what's been happening for almost a year now is that I get full blown panic attacks in the form of severe depersonalisation EVERY SINGLE TIME on this street I take to and from the workplace. :wacko:

I don't know what it is about this particular place, this street which holds no significance to me personally in the sense that something bad has happened there in the past; it's only a short walk as it takes me exactly 4 minutes to get to the zebra crossing and then I'm on the other side of the road feeling much better - it's like magic! I don't know whether to laugh or cry about this, but I can't seem to be able to not panic, especially on my way back to work so I usually make a run for it (which makes the panic even worse as my breathing quickens) which can be dangerous as I approach the road with traffic coming down, and I'm all spaced out and disoriented...

It's really bugging me, why am I doing this to myself? Why can't I seem to be able to not induce a panic attack and just stay calm and walk like a normal person? It's become a problem as I arrive to work feeling like crap, and it takes me a bit of time to settle down and go into work mode. I know this sounds silly, and I feel silly writing about something as trivial as 4 minutes of depersonalisation, but my stomach's all in knots, I keep getting frustrated for not being able to fully analyse and resolve this issue, and today I need to be in at 6 so yeah... lovely :weep:

14-09-15, 14:04
Hi Ana
I have always been the same, I can manage things in the morning no problem , but come 2-3ish I start getting nervous about doing things. I have never known if it is because I am more tired or because of the light...weird.
And I also have this thing about certain stretches of streets, roads, train journeys...I was once given an explanation as to why this happens but can't remember.
Look up EFT on youtube, it seems silly but it's very helpful actually xxx

14-09-15, 16:21

it is interesting to hear that you also find afternoons/evenings difficult. I reckon it's because the day is progressing and it's more effortful keeping our defence mechanisms up. Also, I'm glad to hear you also struggle with the same issue as I do. I mean, I'm glad I'm not alone in this. :)
An hour to go before work, aghhh!!! :/

I've typed EFT into You Tube. Let's give it a try. Thanks for the recommendation. :)

14-09-15, 16:28
Just keep remembering, it's unpleasant and a right drag...but it won't kill you.
Eft seems to retrain thoughts, good luck with it, it has been surprisingly useful to me, look at what Dr. Mercola has to say about it on his website.
Good luck xx

14-09-15, 19:33
Have you tried distracting yourself like with an iPod and music on earphones x

15-09-15, 11:25
I have tried it, but it doesn't seem to be working any more. Music distracts me less than videos, for example, do so I get on You Tube on my phone sometimes. I still feel the anxiety because I know that what I'm doing is purposely avoiding the anxiety.

Yesterday wasn't so bad, actually, come to think of it. I didn't go into full-blown panic mode, but that was mainly due to one of my co-workers having rung me about an issue at work so I was focused on what she was saying rather than on the street I was walking down on.

15-09-15, 16:30
I have tried it, but it doesn't seem to be working any more. Music distracts me less than videos, for example, do so I get on You Tube on my phone sometimes. I still feel the anxiety because I know that what I'm doing is purposely avoiding the anxiety.

Yesterday wasn't so bad, actually, come to think of it. I didn't go into full-blown panic mode, but that was mainly due to one of my co-workers having rung me about an issue at work so I was focused on what she was saying rather than on the street I was walking down on.
Oh well that's good - at least you know distractions can help. It's what you can do to distract yourself......I'm thinking :)