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View Full Version : extremely worried

14-09-15, 19:16
For the past few months, I have become deathly afraid that I am dying of brain cancer. For some background info, I have a neck injury with moderate/severe subluxations of the C1 and C2 vertebrate which i have been told are the reasons for some of these symptoms but its just getting hard to believe. It started with brain fog which was attributed to a serious stressful event and GAD which i also have been diagnoses with. This eventually went away and after I started seeing a chiropractor, I have this strange feeling of tightness, and fullness in my inner cheek. This comes and goes. The feeling sometimes migrates to my eye (all on the left side) and sometimes my leg. It is not numb and all of these areas are fully functional. Are these common symptoms of a brain tumor? I have had some blood tests and basic neuro exams and was told there is n real reason for an MRI. My optic discs are not swollen. Is this really attributable to nerve issues (the vertebrate are known to touch my spinal chord in my upper neck) or is it likely i do have a brain tumor... please help me.

14-09-15, 19:23
I have prolapsed disc at C5/6 with severe arthritis - it started when I was 30 so 24 years ago! for many years I was totally convinced I had a brain tumour as this was before mri was widely available. I had all sorts of pain and weird sensations in my face/scalp/ears/eyes/shoulders/arms. From crawling sensations to feeling as if a millipeed with clogs on was walking up my face to itching and prickling. Feeling of pressure/fullness/ as if face was being dragged down/ Severe facial twitching. sudden severe vertigo or constant slight dizziness etc etc. The list really is endless.

Every single pain/sensation is caused by the damage to my neck.

I did 10 years after this started and with increasing symptoms have a private mri and my Gp said " told you what was wrong but you would not believe me" - very true

Only a consultant can refer you for mri scan of your neck/brain on nhs. Have you seen orthopeadic or neurologist about your symptoms??

14-09-15, 20:53
i have been seeing a chiropractor. the injury happened several years ago and when it happened i could not even move my head. the chiro said that it likely never healed- it was treated as a muscle issue. X-rays and scans show that my neck is missing the natural curve and c1&c2 are basically turned out and rubbing against parts of the spinal chord. i can still walk and do all physical activities, but with intrmittent neck pain and these strange sensations. i stopped going to a chiro for about a month and symptoms have worsened so i'm hoping this is all related to the nerve interference...