View Full Version : Anxiety over nothing

15-09-15, 00:07
I sit here today, anxious more than I have been in a long long time, I look around to see what things have changed in my life to trigger this current bout of anxiety. I can go weeks without a problem and then I will have anxiety for weeks on end. I reached for the door knob to warm the car up this morning and there was a surge of anxiety - electric in nature, the warmth that followed and that emptiness in the pit of my stomach. It was for but a millisecond but the memory of that lasts through the day. Anxious about having a panic attack. This current bout of anxiety started last week when a work colleague said after a dizzy spell "I hope I don't have a brain tumor", well its not his fault, he doesn't know I have health anxiety. This sentence sent me into a spin, I was convinced I had a brain tumor - off course that is what is wrong, it wouldn't be fluid in the ear no no, its a brain tumor! Sigh..... Then started the other triggers one after the other they reared its ugly head(s) some that I have not thought of in years.... they all came to fruition this past weekend. I am a walking ball of anxiety and I feel like I need to go into hospital for some intensive therapy and some really good calming drugs. So again I look to see what has changed in my life as I know changes triggers my anxiety. I have recently re-started a course I started 2 years ago. The feelings of inadequacy, am I too stupid to finish, will my husband want me to do this or that. I also want to join up at the gym again but again, all I can hear in my head is "you're never home to do anything anymore". You're such an addict - which in part is true. Once I set my head on something (Usually creative) I just want to keep on going and going and going. So here I am today, anxious over nothing in particular, im just anxious. Waiting.... waiting for those dreaded electric jolts I am so familiar with and those feelings of guilt over nothing..

15-09-15, 14:24
So join the gym. You had a negative thought about it, treat it like a stone in your shoe. Carry on and show yourself you can continue despite the anxiety and negativity and start the process of pulling it all down, taking away its power and returning to a more preferable mood.

I lose my good mood all the time. Good moods have to be built so rebuild it with things like pushing through and joining the gym, doing your first work out and feeling the mood benefit afterward, concentrating and doing a small stint of good work on your course to give yourself evidence that you ARE capable.

Give yourself reasons to feel that everything IS ok, despite the negative and anxious thoughts that try to make you believe otherwise.

Your health anxiety will be easier to push over when you start having these other small victories.

15-09-15, 15:16
i've had days like that. (and they've become far more frequent)

what i suggest is putting on some loud music. (some songs you particuarly enjoy). music always helps me.. since i just lose myself in the song.

but it has to be loud. i've found that if it's on background it does nothing for me