View Full Version : Anyone else feel like there losing the plot?

15-09-15, 07:59
I'm so fed up. First of all I keep waking feeling drunk and confused. I no what I want to say but it all goes muddled up in my head. Secondly sometimes people will talk to me for instance like just say a certain word and my brain doesn't register that word. It could be any word. And I think to myself that sounds weird. And it takes a second for my brain to register what's been said. I feel confused all the time and I can honestly say I'm frightened to death in thinking I have some kind of brain disease. It's almost everyday it happens. I recently had an MRI scan on my brain which came back normal. I fear I'm forgetting things and it's going to come to the point where I don't understand anyone and I'm just going to lose it. I'm 29 and don't want to be like this anymore. Wtf is wrong with me. I'm not paranoid. It's not in my head. It's actual symptoms that I can't control x

15-09-15, 09:32
I have had this since I was 16. I can especially relate to the words not registering part you said. It used to worry me and when I told doctors they just dismissed it as part of my anxiety which I found hard to accept as I could only come to the conclusion that I either had a serious mental problem like schizophrenia or an actual physical condition involving my brain. I'm 23 now so I console myself by thinking to myself that if it were anything serious, it would have full on killed or twisted me round the bend by now which calms me down for the most part but I do know how frustrating and scary it is,

15-09-15, 10:08
Thanks Hun. I feel at a loss. It's awful �� I just wish it would go away. Why us? Xx

15-09-15, 10:10
I'm so fed up. First of all I keep waking feeling drunk and confused. I no what I want to say but it all goes muddled up in my head. Secondly sometimes people will talk to me for instance like just say a certain word and my brain doesn't register that word. It could be any word. And I think to myself that sounds weird. And it takes a second for my brain to register what's been said. I feel confused all the time and I can honestly say I'm frightened to death in thinking I have some kind of brain disease. It's almost everyday it happens. I recently had an MRI scan on my brain which came back normal. I fear I'm forgetting things and it's going to come to the point where I don't understand anyone and I'm just going to lose it. I'm 29 and don't want to be like this anymore. Wtf is wrong with me. I'm not paranoid. It's not in my head. It's actual symptoms that I can't control x

my memory is terrible, and lately i've found myself doing things that i'd do, but have no idea at the time i actually did them

like last week i ordered a dvd of bad education series 2, and when it arived i was like... what's that, what's bad education!. and got all anxious over the fact i didn't know where it had come from and who had ordered it, and it was me.. i know it's a commedy dvd, i know i would have ordered it- but i just couldn't register the fact i had ordered it. even after i had checked in my amazon and it was their it still didn't register

the other problem i've got with my memory, is not being able to remember things for too long.

example: i love watching emmerdale, but these days i can watch it- and by the interval think... what just happened?. what am i watching

i have to really really think about these things- and i went through a stage where i thought i had early dimentia (seems impossible for my age, but)

seriously... i think it's getting that way. forgetting really simple things

15-09-15, 10:16
I left my front door unlocked when I left this morning, I was in a mad panic about a dentist appointment. Anxiety takes over every thought hun x

15-09-15, 11:42
Thanks for the replys guys. I also stutter my words a lot recently it's frightening xx

Dornish Red
15-09-15, 12:18
I feel like this when my anxiety is very high.
I am experiencing terrible anxiety over my health right now, and I have to study and pass two exams this week, no idea now am I going to do it, can't concentrate at all:weep: My memory is also bad lately...I think it's just from severe anxiety.

15-09-15, 17:14
I have this so often currently but am scared to go to the doctors. I dont know if this will help but know there are people just like you.

15-09-15, 17:20
that is anxiety..when you are anxious your brain is focused on survival not making/storing memories..as your anxiety level comes down this symptom should pass

15-09-15, 19:36
I'm in the thick of it now too. I had to force myself to sit down today and pay bills, I realized I was a couple of days away from being late on one of my credit card payments.

Anxiety is so crippling. I've had HA for so many years I am so familiar with the symptoms - I've learned there is no symptom the mind can't make up. The hard part is knowing what is real and what isn't. It's like being in a fog and not being able to see the road in front of you. Those who don't suffer from it don't understand how it works.

Hoping for better days for all of us.

15-09-15, 20:00
Thankyou xx