View Full Version : Brain tumour and cancer worries back

15-09-15, 08:29
Been a while since I've visited the forums but had a pretty bad day yesterday. I woke with a pain at the base of my skull near the top of my neck and had a headache for most of the day which seemed to be worse in the middle of the day. I tried to go for a nap when the headache was at its worst but I just felt so uncomfortable. Throughout the day it sort of waxed and waned and I woke this morning with no headache. However I'm still worried about my head and have spent the entire morning thinking about it.

The headache seemed to be in different areas throughout the day and seemed to ease after I'd had 6 tablets of paracetamol over the course of the day. I was also very tired. There was also blood in the tissue when I blew my nose from my left nostril. All of this has got me worried that I may be suffering from either a brain tumour or nasal cancer.

I spend a lot of my days either looking down on my iPad or watching TV which may cause the headaches. I also start university in a week and have felt quite anxious about it. Now I don't know whether my headaches are due to stress, something much worse or something else (I know I grind my teeth quite a bit so maybe it's that).

15-09-15, 10:06
First off take a deep breath then find yourself 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste. Just ground yourself with that for now. Then make yourself an appointment with your GP explain all your symptoms and that it has you worried.

Done that? Now think this blood from your nose is it still happening and has it been on and off consistently for 3 weeks? No then you might just be experiencing a little injury on the inside of your nose. As for the headaches are they sharp and stabbing they may just be sensitivity to light or tiredness a dull aching headache could be a migraine. Has there been a big noticeable change in your behaviour? Having Blackouts? Losing your footing while walking? These last three are things massively affected by some brain tumors not all of course.

I'm not saying that it's not worth being seen to I'm just giving you alternatives and things to help you rationalise, let a professional diagnose you. Stay away from Dr. Google. Hope this helps

15-09-15, 13:19
All of this worrying about tumours and cancer started about 3 months ago when I had quite a few nosebleeds out of the one nostril. Funny thing is that my most recent nosebleeds have blood coming out of the other nostril and they occur whenever I blow my nose but I've only had a few these past weeks because I simply don't have to blow my nose.

I don't think there's been any change in my behaviour and no ones mentioned anything. I was a bit irritable yesterday but I put that down to my headache. I haven't had anything resembling a blackout and I haven't lost my footing. My balance seems okay. Probably over a month ago now I went through a stage where I felt slightly unbalanced but that's all gone. I also worried about my eyes months ago but that too has gone.

I'm actually too scared to go to a GP or anything like that in case they find something. A lot of the other stuff I've been worried about has ended up clearing up but I'm still concerned that maybe this time it's serious.

15-09-15, 22:28
I know your scared of going to the doctors I am too I'm always worried that the doctor is going to say it is something like cancer or some terminal disease and then my life would be over but here's the thing. CANCER IS NO LONGER A DEATH SENTENCE.... you've probably seen it all over the television "as many people are now surviving cancer as dying from it" still scary but positive. Now the doctor will be happy to see you getting changes like this checked because even if (big IF) if it is cancer, the earlier you detect it the better you can be treated I don't know about you but I would rather be told "you have cancer and we've caught it early so treatment gas a higher chance of curing you" as opposed to "you've left this diagnosis very late I'm afraid there is nothing we can do" believe me get seen face that fear and see your doctor you'll be happier that you've seen someone if you need any support at all we are all here night and day we will support you because we all know how scary it is. Please get seen chances are its probably just stress but why risk it of it helps I'm seeing my doctor this week about a lump I found in my throat I'm scared to hell but I know I'll be seen and no matter the result I've done it early. Wishing you well