View Full Version : Worried about Australia turning into a dictatorship

15-09-15, 09:05
Hi. I know this may sound far fetched and an overaction, but I'm worried that Australia's (if you don't know) recent trend of having prime ministers deposed by members of their own party (the third such case just happened last night!) would make my country politically unstable and ripe for a coup and the establishment of a dictatorship. I am very interested in totalitarian regimes, like Hitler's and Stalin's, and so I know that these people only came to power when there was a weak, ineffectual government, great popular discontent and other major issues. I keep trying to tell myself that the situations in those cases were extreeme and do not even remotely apply to Australia's situation. However, comments I have heard in the media, such as that "Australia is the Pacific's most unstable democracy" and that "the rate of bloodless coups in Australia is equal to that of third world nations" really gets me freaked out and makes me fear that the future might have an Australian leader being placed on par with the likes of Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Kim Jong Il, etc.
I am glad to live in such a free and safe country as Australia, and I know that the ability to replace leaders by ballot is a testament to the strength of the democratic process, which is denied in so many other nations. I guess I just need some reassurance on this issue.:flowers:
Regards, Peterthegreatworrier.

15-09-15, 19:47
Trust me, it will never happen. Australia is too, without offence, civilised. You are still a democratic which means that the people still have a votes. North Korea was messed up after WW2, Russia is thick with corruption and Hitler manipulated a starving country. Also, the media love taking a situation and blowing it way out of proportion.

16-09-15, 18:04
As above, the Media in the UK is insane with the BS they publish.

I am ex forces and when Syria first kicked off (2 years ago I think) my anxiety was sky high. I followed the news daily and this made my condition exponentially worse. You could say that now I avoid the news at all costs. I know very little about whats going on in the world at the moment and that is exactly the way I like it. Living with head in the proverbial sand, probably. However, will knowing make you better?

My reply is probably completely off topic rambling, but the message I am trying to convey is ignore the media, EVERYTHING is a crisis to the media.