View Full Version : way of life

eddie d
10-02-07, 11:30
after 5 years on & off of panic /anxiety(still dont no what i suffer )
im now concerned that its become a way of life and i dont know how to be(live) without it .worried that this anxiety is now me .

10-02-07, 11:34
Eddie, you've hit the nail on the head for me. I feel exactly the same. Would be interested others' views.


10-02-07, 11:59
hi eddie
i feel the same ,as in the reluctance to be rid of panic, sounds silly i know but when youve lived with it for years its hard to see what life would be without it,with panic i know what life holds which is restriction, without it is freedom, that in it self is very frightening to me and yet at the same time exciting

denise :D

10-02-07, 14:23
denise how long have you had panic attacks