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15-09-15, 12:47
Hi there I had my colonoscopsy Sunday morning, I was really scared I wouldn't sign the consent form, I felt so frightened, I had been awake the night before, kept going due to the prep, so I was tired and hungry, I spoke to the doctor about my concerns, but being so scared I was rambling, I agreed to the colonoscopsy and had a child dose of pain/ and sedative , but felt everything , I wouldn't say painful but uncomfortable in places,I had no biopsies taken and he said it was healthy, I have read the pink form, everything on it says normal except for haemaroids in the anus maybe thst was causing the bleeding, they bled during prep, there are a few things thst are worrying me though,it said the bowel cleansing was sub obtimal. And there were stools in some part of colon. Although I had drank gallons of water , but it say at the end of the letter no further investigations and no rescope, which is good, I haven't been right since Sunday, I haven't been to the toilet (bowels) and keep reliving the procedure I feel dizzy and shacky especially today and I am dreading having to have another one. Any kind words would be appreciated I think I am a bit traumatised , as you all know what anxiery and panic does . Thankyou. X

15-09-15, 22:39
Glad you went through with it, obviously you had been frightened of the bleeding, and now you know it was haemarrhoids after all. Treatable. Especially when we're anxious, it can take time for things to settle down again after these tests. It doesn't sound like there is a need for another one, so no worries! :)

16-09-15, 01:13
Well done going for the test :)

Try to eat plenty of fibre for the next few days to get your system going again and drink plenty of water.

You can buy hemorrhoid cream in any pharmacy. You insert it and it helps to shrink the hemorrhoids. If they bleed when you go to the loo, the blood loss stops very quickly.

16-09-15, 17:11
Thanks for your replies people have been saying I should have had a stronger sedation, I only had a child dose, because I was so scared of feeling doped. So I felt a bit heady but it never touched the pain. I keep reliving it as I suppose I was so tired and hungry and anxious I sort of lost the plot if you know what I mean, I wouldn't sign the consent form I was on another planet, but the doctor said what are tou going to do? As I have other people to see to, and I agreed. But I said I don't want heavy sedation, because he mentioned morph ine some sort of cocktail. I think I was in such a state of nerves I wasn't t acting right. Or thinking clear. Anyway thanks for telling me I done the right thing, I appreciate your kind words. I think when you have GAD and health anxiety, people don't understand. Thanks :)