View Full Version : downton abby and withdrawal- i'm not ready for this

15-09-15, 13:51
so i've just found out that the final ever series of downton abby starts this sunday on ITV

it's making me anxious and upset at the same time... (and the thing's not even started!)

i knew it was going to end- nothing lasts forever.

but nothing could prepare me for this... the sheer anxiety/ sadness it is causing me

i thought i had more time.. i thought it wasn't starting until christmas or something

i'm not ready for this. thinking about avoiding it, just so i don't have to face it, but that's silly.. i want to watch it.. i just..

15-09-15, 13:58
The BBC are looking into making a similar type of programme based on a real life family called the Fitzwilliams. It will be based on a book called Black Diamonds by Catherine Bailey. The family lived at Wentworth Woodhouse, google it it's a massive home not too far from where I live.

15-09-15, 14:04
The BBC are looking into making a similar type of programme based on a real life family called the Fitzwilliams. It will be based on a book called Black Diamonds by Catherine Bailey. The family lived at Wentworth Woodhouse, google it it's a massive home not too far from where I live.

do you have an artickle or something i can look at about it.

give me something to focus on

15-09-15, 14:05

15-09-15, 14:37
I must admit..I do feel the same! It's the highlight of my year really..& that's really sad! I love Downton but i'm sure something just as good will come along that will captivate you just as much :)

15-09-15, 15:11


interesting stuff

thanks for sharing that

15-09-15, 15:18
I hope they make it as its a brilliant story to tell and of interest to me as its local

15-09-15, 15:20
I felt that way when X-Files went off the air. It's coming back for some episodes this Fall :)

Positive thoughts and the truth is out there!

15-09-15, 15:20
I hope they make it as its a brilliant story to tell and of interest to me as its local

and it would give me a reason to actually, for once, watch the BBC

think the last time i watched something on the BBC was the drama of that roald dahl book.. and that was new year's day