View Full Version : So scared! Shoulder pain convinced it's breast cancer still

15-09-15, 16:23
Hi guys I'm back again I'm in agony In my right arm shoulder and numbers down the arm. I've had problems with my right breast for about a year now. I had an ultrasound in December last year and they just said I have lumpy breasts. I attended my gp last week who said she would refer me back to the breast clinic as I still have pain. I'm jst so worried as my shoulder has been really sore on and off since then. This week it's hell and today I can't stop thinking the worst. My arm feels tired and I know the more I think it feels worse. Im also due on my period this week and I've stopped my pill with not taking w couple mid cycle. I'm only 27 and I'm terrified I've got this horrible disease and ill die and leave my daughter without a mum

15-09-15, 19:41
I think a lot of us who are worries have pains in our shoulders and chest. It comes from not really breathing right, even if we don't recognize it. What I do is hold my breath - sometimes I can feel myself doing it but I'm usually not acutely aware of it.

Have you tried a massage? I was having horrible chest and shoulder pain last week and had a great massage - I ended up falling asleep on the table and afterward felt so much relief. Of course once the worries came back so did the chest pain, but for that brief moment afterward I felt better.

Also, when I was younger I used to get breast pain a lot. I talked to my GP about it and she said that it could be caused by caffeine. I cut back on Coke and coffee and the pains went away. Might be worth a try. Hope you feel better soon.

16-09-15, 21:30
I'm just so scared I have secondary breast cancer. It sounds really sick but it's all I can think about. When I was in work today that was the only time I could take my mind off it and not feel any pain. I'm so worried as I'm only 27 and have a young daughter

23-09-15, 12:28
I'm suffering with this shoulder pain at the moment and pain and numbness in arm im thinking maybe it's a frozen shoulder , I have fibroids in my right breast and my mum died from breast cancer at 55 im 51 , i don't have any other symptoms so I'm guessing it is a strain or something if it persists for another more than a month I'll go docs . What I'm trying to say is the shoulder is susceptible to tendonitus , frozen shoulder, strains try some muscle rub if it doesn't settle down in a few weeks go back to gp Hun

25-09-15, 16:38
I was at my gp on Monday and she said I have a rotator cuff injury. But I'm still not convinced. The pain is a burning in my breast like I had last year. Also I'm getting sharp shooting pains in my armpit