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View Full Version : Sunburn - skin cancer anxiety

15-09-15, 18:27
I'm currently on holiday in Spain, this afternoon I was by the pool, I asked my mum to put sun cream on my back. I fell asleep lying on my front for an hour or so, this evening I've just got out the shower and noticed that one half of my back is sunburned, my mum clearly missed a bit. Also the top of my legs at the back underneath my bum is a really deep red (that was my fault, thought I'd applied lotion there!)

So obviously I'm now going out of my mind about skin cancer. My dad has had it in the past (had a mole removed from his back). I've had sunburn a couple times before but my HA is through the roof lately. I'm terrified I've done some serious damage. I was out during the time of day they tell you to avoid the sun as well, from 12:30 to 3:30.

I feel so stupid :weep: Is there anything I can do to help reduce the risk of it developing into something serious? Or am I just screwed? I almost want to google the symptoms so I know what to look out for, but I know I'll just lose my mind even more!

Just to add that I'm 28, female, never used sun beds and generally stay out of the sun, other than a couple of previous holiday sunburns.

15-09-15, 18:59
If a little sunburn would cause skin cancer, then we'd all be screwed. It takes repeated extreme exposures over a period of years plus some plain old bad luck to get skin cancer or any cancer for that matter. Just put some moisturizer on it and you'll be fine.

Positive thoughts

16-09-15, 04:47
To illustrate FMP's advice, my dad worked in the sun for 30+ years up to 7 days a week 9 hours a day. He did develop one of the minor forms on his face which the consultant said is more common to people who work for years in daily sun without protection. He was treated quickly and was fine and the consultant said it was a minor form that has excellent treatment rates.

So, think about how my dad went over 30 years before this happened to him. Do you think 1 exposure is likely to be anywhere near that level of exposure?