View Full Version : Throat problems

15-09-15, 20:38
I have been having problems with my throat for a while now it has been over a year. Soar throat feels like there is something stuck in my throat feel like i need to keep clearing my throat and when i cough sometimes it makes me hiccup and acid reflux . I have been to the doctors about the problem lots of times and he dosnt think its anything serious but iam thinking the worst . I went back again to the doctors and said i think i need to see a ent doctor for some tests but he said he would try some tablets called Fexofenadine antihistamines first . If it was something serious do you think i would have been really ill after a year of these symptoms.

15-09-15, 20:43
I'm not a doctor but from personal experience you're describing LPR to me http://www.aboutgerd.org/site/symptoms/lpr

15-09-15, 20:51

I agree 100 % with Bernie .

I had the same as you , its horrible not knowing what it is right ?

This drives our minds in all directions and the wrong conclusions :blush:

A year ....yea it wont be anything serious mine was 7 months and was LPR / silent reflux ........when they got it right .

Three doctors never picked this up :shrug:, but once on PPI,S meds (lansoprazole) it eventually went away but it took a few months after starting the meds to settle down .

15-09-15, 21:26
Hi thanks for your replys i have thought that it could be this before but my doctor has never said it could be that and with my health anxiety it is hard to think of anything else.

15-09-15, 21:50

I agree 100 % with Bernie .

I had the same as you , its horrible not knowing what it is right ?

This drives our minds in all directions and the wrong conclusions :blush:

A year ....yea it wont be anything serious mine was 7 months and was LPR / silent reflux ........when they got it right .

Three doctors never picked this up :shrug:, but once on PPI,S meds (lansoprazole) it eventually went away but it took a few months after starting the meds to settle down .

I was the same as you, months before they realised what was causing mine. Finally got diagnosed with acid reflux and put on ppi's with no tests for 6 years. Had an endoscopy 2 months ago and told I have volume reflux due to a weak LES and hyper sensitivity of the gullet due to the contents coming up into my gullet when I lay down. I get no symptoms after eating like GERD sufferers it's just when I lay down at night so when I wake my throat is burnt.