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View Full Version : Back after all this time

15-09-15, 20:44
Hello i am back i was doing so well , With my cbt my councellor said i needed 2 more sessions and ill be good to go, And today i have been fine and just a hour or so ago i play a online game and somebody randomly popped up and messaged me saying , " your going to die soon." ever since then i have been worrying thinking what if they know the future or know something and i have managed to work myself up and now im all worried, A part of me is being silly but other part is thinking what if they are some pyschic person or something :( HELPPPP !! lol

15-09-15, 20:55
so lets think about which cognitive distortion would be believing a random message you saw on the internet :-)

15-09-15, 21:53
I know I'm being silly but with my health anxiety makes me worry so much and makes me think what if they psychic or something haha, makes me think stop being s freak but makes me worry so much wish they didn't message me online :( lol

15-09-15, 22:07
well look at it as a good opportunity to apply what you learned in cbt..which it is :-)

15-09-15, 22:31
Don't let the trolls get to you we're here for you. If you need us. Block and report that person put it out of your mind. If you need further support from someone in a similar situation private message me I'm up all night.

15-09-15, 23:00
Thank you very much , appreciate it, it's just horrible as all stuff like that I'm kinda sensitive and over think it and think stupid things like is he psychic and why message me out the blue when don't know who they are etc, but then I think it's probably some weirdo or idiot who's maybe messaged loads of people but still crnt help but worry it's so annoying haha I know I need to drop it and not think nothing of it

15-09-15, 23:04
Get back to the game squash some trolls or whatever your playing. And concentrate on that it helps more than you know

15-09-15, 23:21
Yeah I can take most troll saying just stuff like that freaks me out haha especially with the stupid health anxiety and worrying and stuff it's stupid and it's bugging me because I know it's stupid but same time it's niggerling at me lol

15-09-15, 23:28
Of all the things that could knock you back? You truly know better than to let a troll mess with you. C'mon now! If it happens again, reply back and tell him you're gonna (&!#% his girlfriend before you go! ~lol~ On a positive note, at least you're not losing it over some irrational disease :D

Positive thoughts

15-09-15, 23:33
Haha yes fishmanpa , I have been so good like literally been normal until today haha what a idiot haven't even viewed this site , at all, anyway I'm gonna come off here again now you have all helped thank you for your messages and always very wise fishmanpa love your advice always straight up and to the point

16-09-15, 04:57
Hi Tony,

It's nice to speak to you again, I just wish it was under better circumstances!

I agree with GoWhiteSox. Look at the Cognitive Distortions in play here.

Also, if you were playing online pokes I could see it being a big strange but if you are in a game where players are trying to kill each other, it wouldn't be odd to have such a message. Eitherway, how could such a person know something like that? It's Magical Thinking in OCD where we have problems with things like this e.g. phophecy, coincidence, etc.

Practice the CBT on it, specifically Cognitive Distortions and Thought Records which are made for stuff like this.

---------- Post added at 04:57 ---------- Previous post was at 04:56 ----------

Get back to the game squash some trolls or whatever your playing. And concentrate on that it helps more than you know

I feel sorry for trolls...just because your knuckles drag on the ground and you carry a club doesn't mean you don't have feelings :winks:

16-09-15, 09:07
Hi terry it's just weird because I was in the lobby of the game not even playing and not playing with the person or nothing and out the blue they just messaged saying that and then went offline it really knocked me back with my anxiety I am so frustrated, I know i need to ignor it but I cannot help worry lol, I feel stupid for letting it effect me in such a way, as how could they possibly know and if they did I'm sure they wouldn't be playing a online game and decide to message some 1 out the blue , I hate it though I don't like creepy stuff like that, haha hope your well anyway terry?

16-09-15, 09:24
Cheers, I'm ok.

I know what you mean. Whilst that wouldn't bother me, someone taking a swipe at me might and it can depend on whether my anxiety is playing up too.

I guess we just have to challenge the thoughts and accept that we have been triggered so as not to keep fighting it and obsessing over the detail.

Some people just do it to wind people up. They don't know they are talking to someone with anxiety at least but their intention is still to be annoying.

16-09-15, 09:36
Yeah mate I will let it fly over my head and hope and pray his words are not true ha ha, I do think it's all rubbish anyway deep down, it knocked me one step down but I'm gonna continue to stride forward as I have been so well and no anxiety I also have drank no alcohol for 2 months and that is a massive help

16-09-15, 09:51
Glad to hear that. I did see you post a thread before this saying you had been feeling better. The alcohol seemed to trigger that blood blister issue so it's worth having a break and then as you make progress with your thoughts you could always give it a try if you don't won't to stay off it forever.

Being able to have a better time like that is a really good indicator that you can get so much better and I hope you do mate.

16-09-15, 11:49
Yes I really hope so too alcohol is a huge trigger for me, as makes me worry about oral cancer and stuff I think it makes me feel guilty or bad drinking and that as thinking I'm harming my body sounds weird I know haha, but I am definately getting better just annoying it's given me a big kick back some idiot messaging me saying your gonna die soon cannot seem to shake it out my head why message me I haven't even spoke to them grrr haha wish I didn't have any anxiety lol

16-09-15, 12:44
Really glad to see you bagging the drink. I know it was an issue for you and you know my feelings on the subject. Besides all the mental negativity it brought on, I bet you feel 100X better in general for doing so. Keep up the good work! As far as this knocking you back? I think you have a handle on it and you're light years away from where you were a few months ago. You've done great so don't allow this to slow you down. Put it to bed and get back to healing!

Positive thoughts

16-09-15, 12:48
Its all part of the journey though with these blips. In a way they are useful as they point out something we need to make sure we sorry out to maximise our chances of not relapsing.

Perhaps accept that drinking alcohol does damage the body but also accept that our bodies can take a lot of damage over our lifetimes so add long as we don't overdo things it will sort itself out.

Also rationalise it with a challenge like how can drinking this alcohol cause cancer? Many of the things we do can put us at risk of various things but moderation is often ok.

16-09-15, 13:28
thanks guys for your input, I will definately be staying off alcohol from now and i am doing much better, i have noticed a big change in money also from it, Been spending a few extra £££ on the horses i love the horses lol, i gonna come off here again now if you guys ever want to pm me ill log on that if not hopefully stay of the forum side of things for now as dont like the negativity of it , always good to hear from u all tho

Thanks for helping with the situation i know its silly letting myself worry about some idiot messaging me through a compute its pathetic,