View Full Version : Update

15-09-15, 20:48
So I wanted to give you all an update on my Effexor journey.

I've been on 75mg for a couple of weeks now and have to say side effects have been virtually non existent.

I had a bit of sweating when I first started on the 37.5mg but that has subsided. I know constipation is a common side effect but I suffer from IBS and tend to suffer more with looser BM's (sorry tmi) so for me that has actually worked to my advantage.

I've also lost a bit of weight on them, not a huge amount but a few pounds so for anyone worried about weight gain, it's not a given.

The main thing is my anxiety is a lot better, I'm sleeping better, eating better, actually managing to laugh and be happy. I'm not saying my HA is completely cured but I feel more able to face my fears and deal with them in a more rational balanced way.

So for anyone worried about starting this drug I would say give it a go. I've tried so many over the last few years, most of which have given me awful side effects or not worked and so far Effexor has been the best of the bunch for me.

Will continue to keep you updated. :)

15-09-15, 22:19
Woo hooooo! Ven is such a good drug for those for whom it works, and I am so pleased for you, Muchlet! Laughing and feeling happy is fabulously good, fairly soon on, congrats!

Constipation, well, yes for some of us, some side effects are a bonus, lol! My bladder has never been the same since having babies, so the bit of urinary hesitation has allowed me to walk (not run) to the bathroom, again. :D

15-09-15, 22:23
Hi Munchlet, thanks for your update, it is so good to hear a positive experience.

I am on week 4 of the 75mg pill. I am not sure how severe your anxiety was before but mine was so bad I had difficulty walking at times (from all the dizziness and light headedness) and I have been battling with it for years. Now I feel like I am not bothered by so many things as before and life is a little more manageable but because I have been so anxious all my life, I don't quite feel like myself right now. So my question to you is, do you feel different as if you've lost touch with parts of you that made you feel like..you? Or do you feel like an improved version of yourself compared to before? Sorry about the 'crazy' questions, I hope they make at least a little sense :) Keep posting updates and good luck!

16-09-15, 19:46
Ha ha Marie, I'm the same with the BM, I now don't have to worry about getting to the loo in a hurry as they are actually normal for a change so they seem to have sorted my IBS out as well which is a blessing.

Mishas my anxiety was awful before I started Ven, I wasn't sleeping, I was hardly eating, I was in tears all the time, mornings were horrific due to dry retching and I couldn't bare to be on my own. I seriously considered checking myself into some kind of psychiatric hospital because I was convinced I was slowly going mad, I couldn't function, I was getting up in the morning driving to my mum's just so she could prepare breakfast for my son because I physically couldn't do normal everyday things.

So compared to that it has truly turned things around for me. I'm not saying it's completely cured my anxiety but I certainly feel like I'm starting to enjoy things again which I haven't done for a long time because even before Ven the meds I was prescribed just weren't cutting it.

I would say stick at it I took 37.5mg for about four weeks and then upped to 75mg about 2 weeks ago and I do now feel like things are getting better.

I think I probably didn't feel myself for the first few weeks but I am now starting to feel more like my old self, I've got more energy and feel more focused on things if that makes sense?

I really hope it gives you the same relief, anxiety is awful and like you I've had it most of my life but I was definitely at my worse before starting ven it was just horrific.

Take Care