View Full Version : How do I stop worrying about the tiniest of things?

15-09-15, 22:41
Hello again :-)

Today has been an alright day in terms of my anxiety- I'm still worrying over my neck pain and the idea of breast cancer and also my constantly feeling weak and tired, but this evening a couple of things happened: firstly, I think I'm getting a cold and I've developed this irritating cough, and just now I noticed I have this itchy line/scratch on the back of my leg. Both of these are things that to most people, even on here, wouldn't be enough to worry about, but I've already started thinking that JUST because of my cough I could have legionnaires or TB or something ridiculous and that my leg must be because of some kind of serious bite or something (I would say that's ridiculous as well but I'm actually kind of concerned that it might be. Even though I live in England loooool)- anyway, I was thinking because of this about how I get nervous over EVERY SINGLE little thing that happens to me. If I get a headache, I panic. If I get a muscle twitch I panic. If literally anything happens in my body, I freak out. Does my HA make it worse? Because I get a lot of worries over my health because of things my body does- like, at least five a day. That seems like a lot more 'problems' than I should have, and I was wondering if maybe they're not really there, or whether I only notice them because I'm constantly looking for them.
How do I stop this? It's getting to the point where it's becoming stupid. Does anyone else feel like this?

Dornish Red
15-09-15, 22:46
I think that HA makes us notice things that we usually wouldn't...like every single discomfort, little ache, twitch, or spot, that can be totally normal and nothing to worry...but we exaggerate it and blow it way out of proportion. When my HA is high, I literally just sit and listen to everything my body does and notice everything and worry about every single thing I feel. It's crazy and I wish I could stop that. :weep: I try to distract myself with something, that's the only thing that helps at that moment.

15-09-15, 22:50
I get this all the time. With a HA you will worry over tiny things it's perfectly normal for those of us that suffer with HA. Things like Headache = Brain Tumor, loss of balance = parkinsons, forgetting to lock the door = dementia, etc etc I could go on and I often do. But my advice is to see your doctor with these issues especially if your doctor is aware of your HA they will be happy to diagnose if anything is actually wrong and happy to help you diffuse symptoms that aren't really symptoms they are happy to tell the real facts rather than Internet facts. Truth is the more informed you are the more you stop worrying because you know the real deal do not seek knowledge from the Internet when it comes to your health always seek a professional. Hope this helps

16-09-15, 01:17
Whatever you do, don't google. That makes things far worse.

Your HA sounds to be out of control and you know it. Have you asked your doctor for counselling help?

16-09-15, 07:44
I can very much relate to this, today (and most days) I worry have Leukaemia, oral cancer and something wrong with my heart, If I were to list what I have told myself I have over the last 4 months I would sound insane. I had a colonoscopy on Friday which involved an iv for medication, the iv has given me a bruise, I know rationally this is from the iv but every time I see it I panic and think Leukaemia, it is so debilitating. I also feel the need to constantly check myself for symptoms and signs that something is wrong.