View Full Version : Oral thrush diagnosis :( need help

15-09-15, 23:17
Hey all

I recently discovered some stuff going on with my tongue/floor of my mouth.

Got in to see the dentist today who thinks its candida or something and prescribed me 10 days of antibiotics

I asked if it was serious and he assured me it wasn't but then after he wrote my prescription he said if it doesn't clear he will refer me to someone :(

Has anyone had this or have anything to say?
Of course I'm worried about OC. I'm not a smoker but I enjoy hookah (shisha pipes) from time to time. I'm really freaking out.

15-09-15, 23:29
Hey all

I recently discovered some stuff going on with my tongue/floor of my mouth.

Got in to see the dentist today who thinks its candida or something and prescribed me 10 days of antibiotics

I asked if it was serious and he assured me it wasn't but then after he wrote my prescription he said if it doesn't clear he will refer me to someone :(

Has anyone had this or have anything to say?
Of course I'm worried about OC. I'm not a smoker but I enjoy hookah (shisha pipes) from time to time. I'm really freaking out.

Hey, honestly, don't worry about it! I had this not that long ago after I had some antibiotics. It was a pain. But it's honestly harmless. I had some gel I had to rub on my tongue 3 times a day if I remember rightly. It cleared up within a week or so.

It'll be fine so try not to freak out too much. It's nothing sinister. It just tastes gross if anything! :)

15-09-15, 23:31
I had thrush several times due to treatment for oral cancer. I was given an anti-fungal. Other than being uncomfortable it's nothing to worry about.

Positive thoughts

15-09-15, 23:51
Thank you!
It's hard not to be scared when all you see is its related to cancer or hiv!

I also took medication for acid reflux for over a month so I'm not sure if that messed up my bacteria or anything

16-09-15, 04:31
Whilst antibiotics will give the candida, they will also kill any healthy bacteria too. You have healthy bacteria in your mouth that keeps the candida in check. So, I would suggest looking at probiotics which is starting to see recommendations in the UK for use alongside antibiotics under GP supervision. Whilst it remains unproven, NICE our excellence body, have determined there is enough to justify saying that to GP's and they only work with medically accepted treatments which they are there to assess for our NHS.

Your Hookah pipe may be the cause. BUT it's not what you are thinking. I have asthma and we are told to clean our inhalers as they are a risk of causing oral thrush. So, keep your hookah mouthpiece clean. Another member, BlueMoon, smokes a hookah so she might know more about the cleaning issues.

Don't worry about oral thrush, it's very very common. Like FMP said, if you are on things like corticosteroids, they are known to cause problems like this as as an asthma sufferer, my inhalers are in this category. (but obviously nothing like the strength of what FMP would have used)

Your doctor might just need an opinion from a specialist to prescribe something stronger. We have that over here where a GP is only licenced to prescribe drugs under a directive so that some have been selected as specialist prescriber only. So, a GP may need this to then issue a prescription or a repeat.

16-09-15, 21:17
Thank you all for being so kind and helpful

I also have noticed that I've lost a bit of weight without really changing my habits much and of course that's sending my cancer fears through the roof :(

16-09-15, 21:30
Are you sure you were prescribed an "antibiotic"? Thrush is typically treated with an "anti-fungal" like nystatin oral (which I took) or fluconazole oral. I had it in a liquid form that I had to swish and gargle with before swallowing.

Positive thoughts

16-09-15, 23:25
You are right

I made the post before I got the meds. In taking mycelex which I guess is a dissolvable anti fungal thing.

Just to be clear fishmanpa you got the thrush AFTER treatment not before right? Therefore thrush was not a sign of the OC

16-09-15, 23:34
You are right

I made the post before I got the meds. In taking mycelex which I guess is a dissolvable anti fungal thing.

Just to be clear fishmanpa you got the thrush AFTER treatment not before right? Therefore thrush was not a sign of the OC

Yes... AFTER diagnosis/during treatment. Thrush is not a symptom of OC. Next to bone cancer treatment, treatment for H&N cancer is next in line as the worst. I did 6 weeks of radiation (5 days a week) and weekly chemo infusions. My saliva glands stopped working a couple of weeks into treatment and the pH of my mouth was totally out of whack due to all the chemicals, lack of saliva etc. I had thrush no less than 6 times in three months. Like I said, other than being uncomfortable, it resolved within a week or so. Just be sure to finish your course of meds.

Positive thoughts

17-09-15, 00:16
Yes definitely uncomfortable, but I will be finishing my course and hoping it leaves for good!

Glad to see you well and sharing your stories. As has been said many times, you are a valuable asset to this site :)

17-09-15, 01:33
Yes definitely uncomfortable, but I will be finishing my course and hoping it leaves for good!

Glad to see you well and sharing your stories. As has been said many times, you are a valuable asset to this site :)

Thank you for your kind words. I know that my candor is not always "perceived" as positive nor appreciated but it's always with the best intentions. Being that I'm not an anxiety sufferer "per se'" (I do suffer with some "scanxiety" and have battled depression due to my physical health), I see things from an objective viewpoint and speak from the same perspective as well as from my heart. Not all see that as constructive but if they were to truly look in the mirror, they would see what I'm saying is true and for the best interest.

Positive thoughts

17-09-15, 07:23
I absolutely agree!

It's funny because I am a very rational thinker EXCEPT when it comes to health issues. I always assume and fear the worst and luckily have been proven wrong countless times. I've learned to accept that I do have an anxiety strictly geared towards my health and I've even been able to recognize where it stems from. Now the problem is beating it !

blue moon
17-09-15, 08:39
Hey all

I recently discovered some stuff going on with my tongue/floor of my mouth.

Got in to see the dentist today who thinks its candida or something and prescribed me 10 days of antibiotics

I asked if it was serious and he assured me it wasn't but then after he wrote my prescription he said if it doesn't clear he will refer me to someone :(

Has anyone had this or have anything to say?
Of course I'm worried about OC. I'm not a smoker but I enjoy hookah (shisha pipes) from time to time. I'm really freaking out.

Hi Lambo:D
Nice to meet another person that likes hookah's.I bought mine with me from Iran,it has been in the family for many years:D
To clean mine I use vinegar and bi-carb,ēheap and effective. I hope the antibīotīcs are working.
Petra x