View Full Version : Heat exhaustion or panic?

16-09-15, 05:22
Hi all,

I am from the UK and am currently in LA on holiday.

Today I was in the sun from about 2 - 4. Although I didn't feel hot, when I got back into my car I noticed that my back was very warm frim where the sun had been on it. I didn't actually feel hot in myself, and was wearing lotion on my exposed skin. I drank before and after going in the sun, and didn't burn.

Since then I have felt quite strange, tired, spacey and very very anxious. I am worried that it may be heat stroke and I am assuming it is anxiety. What should I do? I would normally get a thermometer but all the shops are shut and don't open Until tomorrow. I have been quite anoxious throughout the holiday due to health anxiety and feeling that I am going to be ill etc.

16-09-15, 06:09
I would go for a cool shower, keep hydrated. Do you think it may be more from exhaustion of walking around? I associate headaches with heat stroke but Im not a Dr so have no idea if the tired spacey feeling is another symptom. Jet Lagged? :) Just sit back and read about what exciting adventure you will take tomorrow in the city of Angels. :)