View Full Version : Something stuck in throat/tongue/mouth sensation

16-09-15, 08:32

For the past few days I've been noticing feeling that there has been something in the back of my mouth/throat/tongue - only on my right side..
It doesn't hurt or itch or anything but it just feels really uncomfortable as like something is stuck there.

I've looked with a flashlight to no avail - everything looks normal.

But I've searched online and the sinister stuff like "oral cancer" or tongue cancer in a 21 year old male is scary..... Esp since I'm 21 as well! :(

Has anyone experienced this?
Could it be allergies? Postnasal drip?

16-09-15, 08:45
I get a feeling like that when my anxiety is high. It tends to be unnoticeable when I'm not focused on it, for example, the second I wake I don't notice it.
I too was in a panic about oc as I had a small bump in my mouth, my dentists were brilliant and it was nothing at all to worry about, it may be worth a dental check up to put your mind at rest.

16-09-15, 09:48
Thanks Traceypo,

I've been having these symptoms for the past 2 days but I've had it before. It just didn't really last very long the previous times.

This time however, I've been poking and prodding around so I've probably aggravated my throat/tongue even more so and it doesn't help when it's on my mind the whole time D:

16-09-15, 10:23
Can totally relate, I've prodded my bump with tongue and finger, it was huge to me, both dentists said had I not mentioned it, they wouldn't have noticed it as it's just part of my mouth shape.
Anxiety has huge power over us, if we let it, sadly, I'm still letting it.

16-09-15, 12:31
Thanks so much for the reply again Traceypo,

I've booked with the doctor in a few days time. Just hope that its okay.
But it has been quite irritating - not painful at all, it just feels as if something is there if that makes sense... but I can't seem to clear it....

Legit freaking out over how it could be OC or something sinister..... :(

16-09-15, 12:40
I think you might have stomach acid, seeping back up your oesophagus from all the anxiety giving you that sensation, I had that a few years ago, I was given omeprazole and ate plain food, such as porridge and no fizzy drinks.
You can get it over the counter or something very similar to it, but double check with the pharmicist to make sure it doesn't interfere with anything else you are having.

After about 3 days of taking the tablet it cleared up, and i took it for a further 3 months with a better diet and it hasn't come back since, normally cold pork sets me off real bad or jalapenos do it for me too.

16-09-15, 13:11
Hey dsavvy,

Thanks so much for your reply.

I actually had a stomach scare last year and got a scope in there and they found I had excessive stomach acid production (gastritis). However, the doctors did't mention anything like acid reflux though :O

Since I'll be seeing him in a few days I'll give it a mention and see what he says.

Thanks so much :)

16-09-15, 13:57
but in the mean time, you can see if cutting out fatty foods, acidic fruit and fizzy drinks helps. Just drink water and have porridge at least twice a day and don't have anything that looks too exciting on a plate lol.

I'm pretty sure that will help, i had same sensation as you, like something was stuck in my throat and no matter how much i tried to cough it up there was nothing, I suspect because acid reflux (GERD)

16-09-15, 14:06
Thanks mate. I'll defintiely do that been really stressed and eating super bad and everything. But what makes my symptoms unusual is that the sensation is localised to one side only :(

16-09-15, 14:07
yeah i know, it feels like a ball is stuck in there?

16-09-15, 14:19
Yeh, like it's not painful or anything ... It just feels like something is stuck there and I've looked in the mirror with a light and tried poking it to no avail :'(

16-09-15, 14:24
yes i'm pretty sure your doctor will prescribe omeprazole or something similar, it's more common than you think,

It's like the second biggest prescribe drug in America for Acid reflux, it is known as a proton pump inhibitor which reduces the amount of acid produced in the stomach.

I was on it a couple of weeks ago, because i ate some jalapenos by accident, the pills take a couple of days to work.... but you have to watch what you eat.

17-09-15, 12:20
Thanks mate.

I'll let yo know how the doctor goes - hopefully it resolves soon.

19-09-15, 07:02
So I'm seeing the doctor in 2 days but I wanted to update.

So the sensation is still there (maybe there's actually nothing but I'm just overthinking it).
In saying so, there's a bit of a painful sensation when I swallow, especailly if my throat/mouth is dry - either this is an infection OR it could be from the poking/prodding that I did which may have irritated the throat?