View Full Version : Blood sugar worries

16-09-15, 10:03
I posted yesterday about diabetes but got not replies. I thought I'd try again as I am a little concerned.

I have my blood test tomorrow and I have no idea how I will get through it. I suffer with anxiety and agoraphobia. Things had got better and I could do appointments again with my husband with me but recently since feeling physically poorly I have been struggling again. I go hot and dizzy, I am dreading tomorrow. I have to see the nurse to get my bloods taken and blood sugar. I am dreading it as I hate needles anyway so it's not going to be any easy appointment at all. I keep seeing myself going hot and passing out :-( I will make a fool of myself I'm sure.

My GP wants to test me for diabetes because I have a dry mouth and fatigue. He said he wants to check for it asap as I have had fatigue a while. I did the urine test monday which was normal. My step dad who is diabetic took my blood sugar Monday around 4pm, I had eaten 30 minutes before that (some sweet cereal) and that day I had been for a hot chocolate as it was my birthday. My level was 9.2. Que me panicking. I went all hot and dizzy. So goodness knows how I will cope if it's high when at the doctors tomorrow :blush: I am scared I will panic infront of the nurse and look an idiot. I am terrified I have diabetes now. I am in no risk groups, I am only 36, not over weight, don't smoke or drink and I eat healthy.

I am just so worried as stupidly I googled and 9.2 seems very high for a non diabetic after eating. I am terrified I will be diabetic but more so I am scared how I will cope tomorrow now my panic attacks and agoraphobia are not so great. This fatigue in recent months has made me feel quite anxious again and as a result my panic attacks when socialising and appointments is in ful swing.

I know noone can help but I am upset this morning and just needed to get this out. I am alone all day and worried sick about tomorrow :weep:


16-09-15, 10:21
Hi hun, let's break this down.
1, be honest with the nurse about your fears, you'll be amazed at how sensitive and understanding they'll be, you won't be the first they've seen with a needle phobia
2, if you faint, you faint, you'll be in the best place for help and support. Nurses are trained to deal with it.
3, if the results are positive for diabetes, so be it, you can't change that and depending on the type, you may be able to make lifestyle changes to lesser the impact. I have an insulin dependent sister, and I know that if you ignore this and it is diabetes it won't go away and will get worse.
4, tests are a precaution, for everything you ask yourself what if I'm diabetic, ask yourself what if I'm not.
Good luck hun, take deep breaths and lie down if possible. X

16-09-15, 10:47
Thank you for replying Tracey.

Great way to break it down to stop it all jumbled in my head.

Do you think she will let me lie down? I think I'd feel better if I did.

Just recently I go all black in my eyes and hot when I panic so I am dreading this happening there :-( If she could come to the house I could do this alot easier :weep:

I had my smear test a few months ago and saw this nurse I am seeing tomorrow, she was lovely and helped me through it and I was in a real state of anxiety inside, thought I'd panic and run out but I didn't. Now my anxiety is making me fear fainting and making a fool of myself

I just want to be like I used to be where I could go to appointments withe ease:weep:

Thanks again.


Hi hun, let's break this down.
1, be honest with the nurse about your fears, you'll be amazed at how sensitive and understanding they'll be, you won't be the first they've seen with a needle phobia
2, if you faint, you faint, you'll be in the best place for help and support. Nurses are trained to deal with it.
3, if the results are positive for diabetes, so be it, you can't change that and depending on the type, you may be able to make lifestyle changes to lesser the impact. I have an insulin dependent sister, and I know that if you ignore this and it is diabetes it won't go away and will get worse.
4, tests are a precaution, for everything you ask yourself what if I'm diabetic, ask yourself what if I'm not.
Good luck hun, take deep breaths and lie down if possible. X

16-09-15, 11:04
I'm always honest about my anxiety with health professionals, it has worked in my best interests, they think more carefully about what to say so not to panic me. These are health professionals, anxiety issues will have been part of their training. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed, none of us choose these thoughts or to live our lives this way, you wouldn't be embarrassed about a broken arm.
On the lying down thing, if there's a chance you may pass out, it's in her best interests. I've found they've always let me lie down, look away, and engage in meaningless chatter. Remember, it only takes about a minute, take deep breaths.
Good luck hun xx

16-09-15, 11:16
Thank you Tracey.

When I had my smear I was honest and told her i was upset and anxious just being at the doctors makes me feel very anxious and she understood. She helped me through it and afterwards she said 'see what you can do'. She was lovely so I've made sure it's her again tomorrow. I will just go in and tell her my anxiety has been bad lately so my agoraphobia has kicked in again, all because of how physically unwell I have felt and all these tests panic me.

Yes I will ask to lie down, great idea. I will tell her I feel very anxious and ask if I can lay down whilst she does it. It might help.

I just hope i cope better than I am thinking. All I see is me going boiling hot and passing out, and making an total arse out of myself lol!

Bon xx

23-09-15, 12:33
I'm diabetic and 9.2 isn't bad after food try taking it much later after food half an hour isn't long enough