View Full Version : thyroid cancer scare

Kathy griffin
16-09-15, 10:11
Hi guys I'm wondering if someone could help

I'm 24, (25 in the next couple of weeks) When I was 15 I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer, i had my thyroid removed as well as iodine treatment to kill off any remaining cells. I'm on thyroxine to replace my thyroid hormones and for a long time my thyroid levels have remained the same, within the the last 10 months they have changed and for some reason I've got it into my head that my cancer has recurred and that's the reason for my levels becoming lower (I don't know if this is even a logical reason) my doctor has sent me for a thyroglobulin blood test which is also known as a "cancer marker" I have had these before but now I'm panicking that he's only sent me for one cause he thinks that the cancer has returned and the past few months (my last appointment was in june) I've been getting myself into a state daily, I haven't told my boyfriend or mum as I don't want them to worry either. I keep trying to be rational saying it is unlikely and I've had neck examinations and it's come back clear but there is something in my head that won't let it go

just looking for someone to talk to really, once my appointment is out the way on october 12th I'll feel alot better but it's just waiting at the moment and it's horrible

16-09-15, 10:59
I am so worry you are so worried, and it's pretty normal considering all you have been through. You poor thing going through that at such a young age.

I think you should tell your boyfriend and mum, you should talk and get support. Try not to bottle things up as that will make you feel worse. You need support right now.

I hope all goes well for you and shall be looking out for your update in October. I know it's a long wait but try to put it to one side until then, but I really know that's difficult when you need tests or to see a doctor about something you're concerned about as I am going through that at the moment and it's horrible. I have a borderline TSH result for hypothyroidism and it's been worrying me alot recently.

Good luck xx

16-09-15, 11:18
Hi I know exactly how you feel, I was diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma 15 years ago and have yearly checkups in the late effects clinic, they mainly check my blood and I see a consultant.

My last visit back in august was when the consultant found a small lymph node in the groin area and then about 1.5 weeks ago i found a tiny lymph node on my neck, i'm hoping it's because of a small cold i have had and the mosquito bites.

But i have arranged to see my doctor to see if he feels it is serious but when i try to think logically it doesn't feel serious... I would try and remember what symptoms I had and how i felt when i was first diagnosed, and it definitely calms me down a bit that i am not experiencing the same things.

Just need to think positive and let your parents know, they will be supportive.

When i told my dad he was saying he could hardly feel anything on my neck and that i didn't look unwell or presenting any symptoms. so i guess that was a good piece of comfort.

16-09-15, 14:37
Def tell your mum etc as they can support you whilst you wait. Your Dr is being super catious because of your past history which is as it should be but it could just be your chemisty is changing.
I have underactive thryoid and mine is not very stable, all sorts of things affect the levels like gaining/losing weight - diet - stress- other illnesses. If you have a cold say then you should never ever have your thyroid tested as this will give false result.
Please let us know how you get on xx

16-09-15, 14:45
I'm a survivor too. "Scanxiety" is common among survivors and despite our best efforts, sometimes the stress and fear of a recurrence can overtake us. I'm 2.5 years cancer free and I mange quite well but still take a "chill pill" about two weeks prior to my follow-ups as my "scanxiety" makes me quite irritable and withdrawn. The meds help take the edge off for sure.

I cope by constantly using positive self talk (see my Positive Thoughts Thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=173453)). Definitely speak to your family and bf as having positive support is essential in helping to cope and maintain a positive attitude. Here's to a NED report!!

Positive thoughts

Kathy griffin
17-09-15, 09:27
Hi everyone thankyou so much for your replies

it's very annoying as I've had to cancel the last two check ups due to work commitments and my clinic only runs the the first monday of every month so its not very flexible it's only lately I've got it into my head that it could be the C word and it comes in stages one minute I'll be able to totally calm myself down the next I'm getting into a state

whenever I go to my appointments they always check my neck thoroughly so this gives me positive thoughts as it's always clear and yesterday I went through all my doctors letters and it appears I've had this thyroglobulin test quite alot (almost yearly)

maybe I'm just being a bit silly, it's ironic I've been through thyroid cancer yet up until now that is never the cancer I worry about! It's normally every other kind

funny how my head works

Kathy griffin
09-11-15, 15:21
Hi everyone

I posted this a while back, I had my appointment today and my thyroid levels were much better after taking my thyroxine and calcium supplements at different times of the day! my thyroglobulin was also clear which I'm very happy about, as my doctor told me the news it felt like a weight had been lifted, I'd been worried about this since the start of the year and kept putting off going back for my check up for fear of what may be said and quite frankly caused myself alot of unneeded worry and stress. After today I've come to realise that not every health change is something sinister and scary sometimes things just happen because they just do! that's life and I am going to accept this!

I am also urging anyone whose worried about health concerns and delaying their GP visit, consultation, check up etc to just go, I honestly wish I'd gone sooner and avoided all this worry he put my mind at rest within seconds and all those horrible anxiety symptoms have started disappearing within a matter of hours, not every little niggle or pain we have is going to be something awful most of the time it's not so don't be silly like me and cause yourselves a ton of worried weeks or months you'll feel so much better for just going and being reasured

love to you all :bighug1:

dizzy daisy
09-11-15, 15:56
Glad you're ok Kathy and thanks so much for your words of wisdom xxx

25-11-15, 10:48
Hi Kathy so pleased all was well !! I'm absolutely panicking as had to have a needle biopsy on lump on thyroid & its come back marginal. I now have to have half my thyroid removed with the lump. I am frozen with fear about the op & what it may find. I can't eat or move as am full of fear. I'm scared of the surgery & how i will be after. I wish I was brave & strong !!