View Full Version : still worried over assymetrical tonsils help

16-09-15, 13:34
Iv one tonsil that sticks out other is pretty flat i noticed few months ago. Could have always been this way who knows. Sometimes feels as though something stuck but nothing there. Dr google just states assymetrical means cancer. Dr says looks healthy. I cant say its changed since i noticed. Am i over reacting about this is dr right

16-09-15, 14:28
Am i over reacting about this is dr right

That's what HA does and Dr Google can make a sneeze cancer! We are asymmetric by nature.

Positive thoughts

16-09-15, 16:09
Yup. I thought I had cancer because I had a lump and my tonsils were removed at a young age. ENT told me it happens, they grow back. Only one grew back but I felt silly after that appointment ...

16-09-15, 16:14
Iv not had mine removed just different sizes but they dont seem concerned just me whos worried

16-09-15, 21:07
I have one huge one and one tiny one.

My GP and dentist didn't seem bothered. I worried about it for ages. It's still the same and I'm still alive.

16-09-15, 21:35
I have so much assymetry in my body I'd go crazy thinking about it, sometimes I do!

Unless you're a model, you're going to have "imperfections" in your body. It's probably always been that way, but HA just made you notice it. Scary for a while, but once you've noticed it for a month and nothing changes you realize it's just who you are.

If your doctor looked and said it's fine - trust that!