View Full Version : Oral Cancer/Tumour!

16-09-15, 17:07
I am so scared I was looking in the mirror earlier at the back of my throat as us HA sufferers do. I noticed righttt at the back the base of my tongue before the epiglottis is bigger on one side like theres a tumour there or something why is it bigger on that side is this normal asymmetry? I am 22 have never smoked I think i remember it being this way a while back I dont have any pain or redness or anything it all feels normal but why the hell does it look like it could be something sinister to me?! I hate all this worry! Someone please help :(

16-09-15, 17:22
Hey PSky,

I've responded to many of your cancer scare threads. I'm a survivor of stage IV oral cancer. I've offered reassurance several times and I'll do so here in saying that it's astronomically unlikely you have OC. That being said, the problem with reassurance is it doesn't work. What typically happens is you're Ok for a bit then it starts all over again or you find another fear to take it's place. It's classic HA behavior.

You're asking for help. Here's my advice. Take it or leave it...
GET HELP! Go see your GP and get a referral for therapy/counseling and consider meds if recommended.

Positive thoughts

16-09-15, 17:32
Thank You Fishmanpa I fully understand I have an appointment for my first therapy session in a few weeks! I feel so terrible that someone like you has been through the actual thing and I am sat moaning that I may have it when in reality I probably dont.

I never used to be like this it only started when my Dad passed away last year my GP says it my way of grief.
Thank You for all you help on all my posts I fully appreciate it.

16-09-15, 17:57
Thank You Fishmanpa I fully understand I have an appointment for my first therapy session in a few weeks! I feel so terrible that someone like you has been through the actual thing and I am sat moaning that I may have it when in reality I probably dont.

I never used to be like this it only started when my Dad passed away last year my GP says it my way of grief.
Thank You for all you help on all my posts I fully appreciate it.

I'm sorry to hear about your Dad. I agree with your GP in that grief can certainly manifest itself with anxiety.

I'm really glad to hear you have an upcoming appointment for therapy. It takes work but boy is it worth it!

Don't feel bad about having a moan now and again. We all need to do so occasionally. Just follow through with therapy and work at it. You're too young to be dealing with this. I have a daughter your age. She suffers from anxiety and depression. She was in a pretty bad place a year ago. I made sure she got help. She's in therapy and on meds and is doing fantastic! You can do this!

Positive thoughts

16-09-15, 20:35
Oh wow that really moved me Fishmanpa I am so happy to hear about your Daughter doing well thats brilliant I wish her all the luck!

Im going to put this OC fear to the back of my mind what I am seeing is probably just a normal part of how I was "built". I think with anxiety we see things worse that what they are. Thank you for taking your time to reassure me over and over again even if it seems like I dont listen it dies help in some way.