View Full Version : Stuff went near bleach

16-09-15, 20:00
I had some house moving out stuff under a bed mugs and tea towels
and clothes I am worried it's contaminated as some tiny drops of bleach I bought for the new house dripped onto an empty bag I'm worried everything under the bed will be toxic? :ohmy:

What if it got near anything else? I don't think it got further than the bag or carpet but now worried even after washing hands on add everything has bleach?

16-09-15, 21:19
Just wash the stuff mate ?

Not a problem at all .

16-09-15, 21:26
Just wash the stuff mate ?

Not a problem at all .

I'm worried what it went near its all boxed up now I think it never got near anything but my ocd says different.

16-09-15, 23:52
Are you concerned it's harmful? When I took home ec, we'd add bleach to the rinsewater of our dishes. Not a lot, but a little bit isn't toxic. It's only dangerous if you actually pick it up and drink it, or sit in a small enclosed room with the fumes.

As long as it doesn't mess with the color of your items, a few drops of bleach won't hurt you or your stuff at all.

17-09-15, 00:13
Are you concerned it's harmful? When I took home ec, we'd add bleach to the rinsewater of our dishes. Not a lot, but a little bit isn't toxic. It's only dangerous if you actually pick it up and drink it, or sit in a small enclosed room with the fumes.

As long as it doesn't mess with the color of your items, a few drops of bleach won't hurt you or your stuff at all.

Well I had some dishes bundled up I'm sure they were in the cupboard but my ocd made me worry I couldn't use them and then I started to worry I would have to throw stuff away. A few weeks back I had to sell a Hoover as my ocd made me think it was dirty.

17-09-15, 07:51
You will be washing those dishes before you use them again anyway, Phil. Besides, it won't stay active on them forever.

Tell yourself that there are solutions to this and then any disinfectant will have been removed, even if there is any.

Besides, did it actually drip onto any of these items? Is that just the thoughts looking for risks? Unless you can come up with a definite yes to it going on something, challenge it and consider it a no.