View Full Version : Retching during car journies now...

17-09-15, 09:58
Has anyone on here experienced passenger anxiety?

Its getting so bad now that I am contemplating walking the 3.8 miles to work taking me an hour rather than being a passenger which would take a mere 10 minutes.

I fear that the retching will tear or rupture me internally such is the ferocity of the heaves.

Advice anyone?

I see my GI next month again. I don't know what more can be done for me?
Maybe this retching has a deeper physical/neurological cause? Should I ask for a full body scan to see if there is some physical disorder/disease causing this disgusting sensation?


17-09-15, 13:36
So many people have tried-and obviously failed-to help you with your anxiety issues and coping mechanisms. I doubt whether a full body scan would convince you for long. I really think you need a full psychological assessment to help you move on. Have you made any progress getting help as regards your anxiety?

17-09-15, 20:50
Has anyone on here experienced passenger anxiety?

Its getting so bad now that I am contemplating walking the 3.8 miles to work taking me an hour rather than being a passenger which would take a mere 10 minutes.

I fear that the retching will tear or rupture me internally such is the ferocity of the heaves.

Advice anyone?

I see my GI next month again. I don't know what more can be done for me?
Maybe this retching has a deeper physical/neurological cause? Should I ask for a full body scan to see if there is some physical disorder/disease causing this disgusting sensation?


Retching is New to me , BUT i do it every morning .

I feel anxiuos when i wake dreading the day a head and within 5 minutes of getting up i retch .

I,m never sick just retch for a few minutes and i walk it off in Garden as i,m retching :blush:

It feels like somthing is in my throat but its not and i can feel i,m shaking internally when i wake .

It never happens in the day just in the morning , the busy i am and my mind on other things the better my day .

One thing for sure if you think you will retch you will do :blush: