View Full Version : Being stupid?

17-09-15, 12:06
I think I know deep down the chance I caught anything is low to impossible, but I'm still a bit worried and would appreciate any advice, or being told I'm an idiot and not to worry.

I went for an STD test today (I currently live in China) at an STD clinic. But what's worrying me most is the blood test I had done. I went in early morning, so I'm not sure if anyone else had had blood taken today, and there was no one in when I went. The guy taking blood already had gloves and a mask on, and was sat typing at a PC. I didn't think about this until I got home. The gloves were disposable but I don't think he changed them after each patient. I didn't see him put these on or take them off. Before he started he washed his gloved hands with what I assume was hand sanitizer, but still. Should I be worried about that? He didn't touch the end of the needle, or my open needle hole I don't think, except for when he put an antibacterial cotton swab on afterwards.
Another thing is that the cotton swap he put on the needle hole afterwards accidentally fell off about a minute or two later. This is probably stupid, but should I be worried about the elastic band he tied around my arm? Especially if the needle prick hadn't fully healed up yet? I bent my arm to keep the hole covered until it healed up, although it had probably already healed after that minute or so.

I think my mind is desperately grasping for something to worry about. But the band and his gloves in particular are worrying me. If I wasn't in a developing country I might not worry so much. I seem to have gotten into a viscious cycle of thinking I will get an STD from an STD centre, maybe if this wasn't clean, or that had something on it and I touched it etc. Thanks again guys.

17-09-15, 12:20
I'm sure you'll be fine. It's only recently that they have started with all these disposable everythings. When I was young and you went for blood tests they weren't changing gloves all the time and we didn't all get things xx

17-09-15, 12:28
I hope so. I've had blood taken in the past here in general hospitals and I don't think they changed gloves. It's just that it was an STD clinic so I was on full germophobe alert.