View Full Version : Trying for a baby

17-09-15, 13:32
Hi Guys,

So me and my wife have been kind of trying for a baby. When I saying trying, no birth control is being used and we are both hoping it will happen.

This has been going on now for around 14 - 15 months and still so far nothing!

It is starting to play on my mind and HA a bit! I keep thinking something is wrong with me and it is starting to scare me. I don't know what to do! Do I go to the doctors and get checked? Do I leave it and we just keep trying, but it will keep playing on my mind?

We are quite newly married and everyone is expecting us to have children and we both would really love a family! All of my relatives around my age are married and either have kids or having kids.

Using this as bit of a rant space and also looking to see if anyone has any advice or experience in this? I just don't want this to trigger my HA into full blown scare about never having kids!

Thanks in advance :)

17-09-15, 15:35
If you're concerned, this is one instance where seeing the doctor (both you and your wife) would be in order. It's easy enough to test and see what's up. Otherwise, the "trying" part is one of the best parts of having children :winks:

Positive thoughts

17-09-15, 19:00
I agree with fishmanpa. A dr would determine of one of you is infertile or maybe one of you just need hormone shots. There are a lot of options and help these days when trying to conceive. Try to relax and see a doc to get answers. Best swishes

17-09-15, 20:52
Try to relax and enjoy yourselves. Many couples don't conceive because they are anxious .

17-09-15, 21:36
Try to relax and enjoy yourselves. Many couples don't conceive because they are anxious .

I have a good friend and a family member who had problems getting pregnant.
My friend, as soon as she started on an adoption process got pregnant, so she now has two children.
And my sister in law, as soon as she booked for IVF, but before even starting it, got pregnant.
They both said it was when they let go of the pressure.
But as Fishmanpa says I would get it checked just in case...and in the meantime enjoy ;)

17-09-15, 21:48
There would be no harm in going to Drs for advice and information.... Like people have said, being anxious does not help... Just go with the flow and try not to feel any type of pressure. Relax and have fun in the meantime. Make sure you both have a healthy diet with lots of water.... Cut down on alcholol.....if u like a drink...ha. Also trying exercise like yoga and meditation can help you both when trying for a baby..... Good luck and try not to obsess and think about it, cos it will happen when you prob not thinking about it x

18-09-15, 14:21
Thanks for all your comments guys and yes you are all right trying is the fun bit :D

Just sets me on edge it not happening and everyone else around you seems to be doing it so easy! I guess it is the pressure of it!

We are going to give it another month or two and then make an appointment I think. Going to be a bit more relaxed about it all, cut back on drink and have a healthier diet to see if that helps as well (not that we are bad at the moment).

Thanks again guys, really nice being able to rant on here! Us trying is being kept quiet so I don't have anyone else I can talk to about it!

18-09-15, 20:32

Both my husband and I have fertility issues. Mine are immune system related and his are with his soldiers. But even though it's tough emotionally, it's not something that's going to kill us and we're quite philosphical about it. We've had lots of ivf etc.

How old are you both. That's determines the best course of action. If you are under 30 I would possibly wait a little longer and maybe try everything if you haven't already: ovulation sticks, preseed (if needed), ovulation ap, you taking a multivitamin and exercise - if you don't. No smoking obvs.

Good luck.

18-09-15, 20:38
Sorry if this doesnt help.I am quite young so dont have much experience with this and so I try not to act too much like a know it all but I have heard of people who have not been able to make a baby for years and in the end something just clicks and it happens. Dont give up the hope I am sending my best wishes.

21-09-15, 16:40
Thanks for the supportive messages spacebunnyx and Jamie123. We are both still young, my partner is 24 and I am 27. We are going to continue with the healthy eating, both stopped smoking now (been a couple of months each!) I am going to start exercising more and try and loose some weight (not that I am fat but I do like my food and could maybe do with losing a couple of pounds!).

It will probably just happen one day and it will be a total shock. I honestly cannot wait till it does, I just want to start a family. I have found the woman of my dreams and now just want to make us a family! :D

21-09-15, 16:54
Chris G, You are both really young. Give it some time. People saying "just relax" doesn't help - nor does it actually make any difference. Just make sure you do it "at the right time" eat the right things. The vast majority off people get pregnant within 3 years of trying... especially at your ages.

Good luck