View Full Version : Ovarian Pain

17-09-15, 15:12
Hi not been on here for ages as seem to be doing ok with the counselling etc, however for the past month I have been having quite sporadic pelvic pain, after my last period I had a bit of bleeding which the nurse said was most probably my body clearing out and is normal which I accepted, and all was fine for a couple of days, then a pain appeared in my pelvic area which seemed to switch from side to side. I also have a pain as though I have a water infection but my water has been tested 3 times now and is totally clear. I went to the docs yesterday who just put it down to a hormonal change in the cycle and hopefully it will settle down once my next period arrives. She explained at my age (44) periods can alter and each month can be different. I want to believe her but my anxiety is taking over slightly and I have convinced myself that it is ovarian cancer. I once had the feeling that I had a water infection before and the doctor suggested interstitial cystitis but she has never mentioned it since. Has anyone out there had a strange month where you have period pain like cramps all month.

17-09-15, 17:58
Hmmm well I am 54, so I have totally been there done that with all the pains you get when you are in between regular periods and menopause. Please try not to be scared. This is very, very common to get random pelvic pain. Our bodies are in that transition period and starting to get out of whack with when/if we ovulate, if we have a cycle, etc., so it's not at all unusual to feel symptoms throughout the month. At the beginning of this period of my life I did a lot of worrying but then as time went on I realized this is just the way it is.

Here's another secret for you younger women - even after you already stop your period, you still sometime get weird ovary or pelvic pain for no apparent reason! Our bodies don't work like a well oiled grandfather clock - everything doesn't just fall into place after x number of years.

Ovarian cancer is pretty rare. I have a friend who has it (and against all odds has been living with it for 8+ years!) - her symptoms were quite pronounced - none of which were random pelvic pain. The biggest symptom that stood out to everyone, including her doctor, was the fact that she gained enough weight to look like she was 6/7 months pregnant.

Check out with your doctor if you still feel scared but know that these pains are just part of life for us women. Men have it so easy, huh?! I tell this to my partner all the time - God/Higher Power must have a special place for us women when we die, because life on Earth sure as heck ain't easy, starting when we are young and first get our period, all the way up to our late 50s (or later) when we stop.

I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to or bounce questions off! Good luck, try not to worry!

18-09-15, 12:52
Thanks for your reply, you have eased my mind a little, it does seem to be easing off today ironically as my period is due. If this is it for the next however many years I will get really fed up. Hopefully it was just a one off.