View Full Version : Found something to fuel my fear

17-09-15, 19:07
Recently with my fears i have been making myself cough a lot due to my fear to see if I can find anything. I have irritated my throat for a few months now on and off because of clearing it too often because I had a fear of having throat cancer which made me worried. Today i was clearing my throat a lot and made myself cough several times in a row then I was really worried so i put my finger down my throat and right on my finger there was what looked like a coffee bean but very very small then I made myself throw up where I found 1 more and now I am very worried. Yesterday I ate bread with some dark seeds in it but that was yesterday so could it still be in my throat. I also dont usually have a cough so dont usually cough up anything but have a lot of post nasal drip at times. After this I coughed up saliva which was clear and my throw up was clear except for these 2 coffee bean looking very small spots but I am scared as I have read this is a sign of lung cancer which I have been worried about and this has fuelled my fear. Does anyone have any information which could help me PLEASE:weep: I am just such a mess recently and dont know what to do. The left sided back discomfort and this are all I can think about aswell as my breathing 24/7. I am scared my years of second hand smoke could have caused this and am petrified and convinced thats all it could be.What are the chances that a 20 year old, non smoker with no family history of the disease will have this. Please anyone who can reply will be greatly appreciated.

---------- Post added at 18:08 ---------- Previous post was at 17:30 ----------

I cant enjoy any part of life anymore I try and tell myself lets not think about if for a week and it works for about an hour and feel good but then I fall apart again when i fell any of my symptoms. Its just so difficult

---------- Post added at 18:13 ---------- Previous post was at 18:08 ----------

I often also have small bits of blood in my nose similar to this but covered in bogeys (sorry tmi) could this be the cause as it was quite high up in my throat. I think this is caused by picking my nose (I know its disgusting but its a habit i have found hard to shake) and because my nose often gets quite dry.

---------- Post added at 18:14 ---------- Previous post was at 18:13 ----------

I often also have small bits of blood in my nose similar to this but covered in bogeys (sorry tmi) could this be the cause as it was quite high up in my throat. I think this is caused by picking my nose (I know its disgusting but its a habit i have found hard to shake) and because my nose often gets quite dry.

---------- Post added at 19:07 ---------- Previous post was at 18:14 ----------

Also just found a lumb which is quite small in my throat if i follow down my tongue far enough on one side could this be because of me irritating it?

17-09-15, 19:30
The chances of you having that are next to 0 and I think you know what. You are going to hurt your throat messing around with it...you will find all kinds of lumps and bumps back there as you have tonsular issue at the back of your tongue and its normal.
You need to get help with your anxiety, do you have anyone to talk to about this?

17-09-15, 21:31
Kind of hard to diagnose this without knowing exactly what you are finding in your throat or when you are sick. Is it blood or some other kind of substance like food?

If you get a dry nose and PND then it could be blood dripping back into your throat. It could be because you're coughing so much that you irritated your throat and caused tiny cuts (very possible). It could be that you bit inside your mouth without knowing it and swallowed some blood. It could be some food you swallowed or accidentally inhaled.

There are many things it could be that are completely harmless. I suspect you looked up lung cancer and saw something about coffee bean colors / shapes and made this look more like it than it really is.

The odds of it being anything sinister at your age and history are essentially zero.

17-09-15, 22:00
The chances of you having that are next to 0 and I think you know what. You are going to hurt your throat messing around with it...you will find all kinds of lumps and bumps back there as you have tonsular issue at the back of your tongue and its normal.
You need to get help with your anxiety, do you have anyone to talk to about this?

I do but I have times where I find it really difficult to cope.

---------- Post added at 22:00 ---------- Previous post was at 21:57 ----------

Kind of hard to diagnose this without knowing exactly what you are finding in your throat or when you are sick. Is it blood or some other kind of substance like food?

If you get a dry nose and PND then it could be blood dripping back into your throat. It could be because you're coughing so much that you irritated your throat and caused tiny cuts (very possible). It could be that you bit inside your mouth without knowing it and swallowed some blood. It could be some food you swallowed or accidentally inhaled.

There are many things it could be that are completely harmless. I suspect you looked up lung cancer and saw something about coffee bean colors / shapes and made this look more like it than it really is.

The odds of it being anything sinister at your age and history are essentially zero.
I read something about it a while ago and now when i saw this I just became super panicked. I am not sure if it is blood but it looked a bit like a coffee ground however could be some food. I did have a cut today on my finger which I had where I licked my wound but could this blood be of that colour. Plus i dont really have a cough and i didnt cough anything up but I found this at the top of my throat and got worried by what it was.

17-09-15, 22:21
Dry blood will turn brown / black yes. Honestly though, if it was blood you would know it by its texture. Probably a seed.

If you didn't cough this up I wouldn't be worried. I would say most likely this is just food that got stuck in your mouth. I don't know if you ever floss, but it can be amazing what food just stays in your mouth between teeth, on the roof etc...

I once had a black spot in my mouth. It was where I had bitten my cheek and the blood had dried.

Also, if you only found two of these "things" then I wouldn't be alarmed. I really think these are just the seeds from the bread.

17-09-15, 22:25
Thanks for the reply even though it being from a day before is unlikely I still doubt it is serious as I would probably have a cough and cough up more than just 2 very small parts even if it was dried blood. Thanks a lot for replying to my thread. I read 1 of your previous post and previously also thought some of my symptoms could be from bad posture as my posture is really awful especially my main worry which is discomfort in left shoulder blade probably because i sleep on my left side. Once again thanks for taking the time to reply

17-09-15, 22:31
No worries. I seriously doubt there's anything wrong with you except Anxiety. Anytime something new comes up it messes with our heads, then when nothing happens after a week it all goes away.

As for the shoulder, believe me - I get that all the time. Sitting at a computer, hunching over to look at a phone, slouching on the sofa, none of it's good. Combine that with the muscle tension of anxiety and it's a surprise we can move at all ;)

Just try to relax, enjoy being young! Save the worrying about health issues until you're in your 70s!