View Full Version : anyone else with an underactive thyroid please ??

17-09-15, 17:33
hi i have an underactive thyroid was diagnosed coming up to 12 months ago.About 3 week ago i started getting heart palps then 2 days later my throat became sore an high temp went the doctors said i had tonsillitis took the antibiotics still was getting heart palps of an on so i phoned the back an asked to have my tsh rechecked because i get heart palps when im hypo came back fine anyway i ended up going a&e because id finished the antibiotics an was still getting these palps an i was starting to freak out triage nurse said my pulse was fast then they done an ecg it came back fine well this morning got up throats killing me again an i dont think my tonsillitis has cleared up the did say in a&e i had a slight temp ive got the doctors later on anyone else with a thyroid get palps when their ill is it cos our body work harder to fight things of im starting to scare myself thinking i have ariel fibrillation cos i no its not always picked up on a ecg when i had the ecg i wasn't having palps it was only on for 30 seconds thanks in advance for any reply's xx

17-09-15, 17:54
Yes me! I had just written such a long reply to you & somehow managed to wipe it before submitting! Damn! I have autoimmune thyroiditis, otherwise known as hashimotos. Diagnosed last May. Now at 100 mg on levothyroxine & supposedly in 'range'.

I wrote a post recently on the thyroid forum at health unlocked asking about the connection between palps & thyroid.

There were various replies suggesting the cause of these palps could be.. the fillers in different brands, being under-medicated, over-medicated, vitamin deficiency. The list went on!

I am having a 24 hour heart monitor next week & just had bloods taken.

I have always had the palps but recently got worse even though I am meant to ob the right dose of levothyroxine to keep me in range.

I got scared when I started having a lot in last 2 weeks, hence why I went to see my GP.

Like I said I have always had them but not as bad as lately. I did have an ecg in my 20s & a scan & was told my heart was structurally fine.

They are so scary!

I do wonder if these palps are connected to the thyroid but surely having had them for around 20 years I could not have been hypothyroid all those years?

Seem's we are in the same boat..

I am reassured though by how many people with thyroid problems, both hypo and hyper experience palpitations.

17-09-15, 18:04
thanks for replying thats how i was first diagnosed with my thyroid was with palpitations they done bloods an my tsh was 75.6 once i got my tsh in range my palps went only get them when im out of range but this time my tsh is fine its 1.4 they seemed to have started around the time of me getting this tonsillitis which wont clear up ive got to go to out of hours doctor tonight because i cant get a gp appointment an my throats killing me do you no what your tsh is xx

17-09-15, 18:14
Wow your tsh was incredibly high! Mine was 14 at diagnosis which is nothing compared to yours. I do suspect I may have been hyper for many years before being hypo as that's how hashi's starts. In Aug my tsh was 1.6 which is the lowest it's ever been. In your case I would say your palps are definitely related to your thyroid & not anything sinister.

Did you ever have the antibody test when you were diagnosed, it tells you if the cause of your hypothyroidism is autoimmune. Good to know as makes sense if your body is under attack with the tonsillitis then your immune system is having to work harder to fight the infection hence may be the reason for the palps.

It's just a thought.

17-09-15, 18:18
to be honest the calm me thinks its my body working harder ive never had the test for hashi in the 12 months ive know ive had it ive never been hyper all my doctor will do is the bog standard tsh well its the labs really x

17-09-15, 18:27
I have moments in the day when I get really scared by them, then I try to rationalize it & think well I'v had them for years & i'm still here so can't be life threatening surely! It's hard as it becomes your focus when your worried, sometimes causing more of them & so begins that vicious cycle..

I think my GP is really doing the 24 hour monitor thing to give me peace of mind! She did say if I arrange for you to have this, will it reassure you? I said definitely but I know sometimes that doubt will creep back in at times.

I have started researching them a lot but only in the context of what other people on here recommend such as Dr Sanjay Gupta's videos. He is a top cardiologist in York & one of his videos mentions magnesium as being beneficial for the heart. I started taking them 3 days ago & so far (touch wood) no palps!

I will let you know I get on in coming days. Dr Sanjay Gupta's videos can be found on You tube.

17-09-15, 18:40
thanks hun what mag do you take ive got to see my own doctor next week the a&e said to ask them for 24 hour tape im of now to after hour to get them to look at this throat ive got a feeling another course of antibiotics thanksfor replying to me xx

17-09-15, 19:11
Just ordinary magnesium from the supermarket! Dr Gupta does suggest something called magnesium pisolate but it's hard to get it in the uk I think so the cheaper stuff will have to do for now! Someone mentioned magnesium taurate/taurine? or something the other day on here too. Apparently it's really meant to help with people who suffer palps.

Good luck at out of hours, hope your not kept waiting too long! I had tonsillitis when I was 24 that came back after taking a course of antibiotics, had to go on a stronger course in the end to get rid of it!

22-09-15, 09:56
I'm suffering badly with palps every day atm went to drs yesterday who said it could be thyroid related not heard this before so ive got a blood test and ecg tomorrow to check and got tabs and medicine for now but nothing working so far hope you feel better soon x

23-09-15, 14:05
I'm suffering badly with palps every day atm went to drs yesterday who said it could be thyroid related not heard this before so ive got a blood test and ecg tomorrow to check and got tabs and medicine for now but nothing working so far hope you feel better soon x

keep us updated yes thyroid problems cause palps good luck

01-10-15, 15:57
Just ordinary magnesium from the supermarket! Dr Gupta does suggest something called magnesium pisolate but it's hard to get it in the uk I think so the cheaper stuff will have to do for now! Someone mentioned magnesium taurate/taurine? or something the other day on here too. Apparently it's really meant to help with people who suffer palps.

Good luck at out of hours, hope your not kept waiting too long! I had tonsillitis when I was 24 that came back after taking a course of antibiotics, had to go on a stronger course in the end to get rid of it!

Hi how did you get on with your heart monitor hope all went well

01-10-15, 18:33
Hi, just to update everyone..my results from the 24 hour monitor were normal! Although I only had one palpitation the day it was fitted, it is reassuring to know that there is probably not anything seriously wrong with my heart!

Are you feeling any better now?

01-10-15, 22:30
Hi glad all went well for you have my heart monitor on wedensday still getting palps runs of them I'm worried I won't have any either while I've got monitor on

02-10-15, 04:44
Let me know how you get on too. I found it hard to sleep that night with it on! Have you started taking magnesium?

02-10-15, 10:29
Hi I've started using mag spray an I've just had private thyroid blood tests done because my doctor only does tsh how long did your results take an how are your palps now have they calmed down I'm having a bit of a melt down today totally fed up with them

02-10-15, 19:30
Hi lisa1975 yes the palps have calmed down since I have been on magnesium. Like i said it was only store-bought magensium & not really the best quality you could buy but they do seem to be doing the job!

Sorry to hear your suffering today. Glad you're having the monitor though as I'm sure it will give peace of mind. Actually i feel as if a huge laod has been lifted..

I have also been referred for counselling for help with my health anxiety. You have to refer yourself now apparently & I had to fill out an online form today.

Let me know how you get on with your heart monitor & the results. I waited a week for my results as the doctor who ordered the monitor is not at the surger! Usually I'd imagine you would hear a lot quicker, especially if anything was wrong, although I'm sure that you will be told normal too :)

02-10-15, 19:43
Thanks Hun I will keep using the mag I forgot last night will use a bit more tonight I've only been having 4 sprays an your allowed 8 I've also just switched my Levo brand they had changed it to Mercury pharma I've heard the fillers in diffrent brands don't always agree an I've had private blood tests today a full thyroid panel my doctor only does tsh so hopefully will have some answers soon will keep you updated

02-10-15, 19:51
Hi all

How do you go about getting private tests done for the thyroid ? I think I will have some done as despite being on 125 MG of Meds I still feel dreadful. My ectopics seem to have settled as I have now started iron tablets, maybe the dangerously low level I had put my heart in quiver ! Let's put it this way any lower and I was heading to hospital for blood transfusion �� I get my results next Tuesday from all the hospital tests I have had so fingers crossed its nothing to worry about ��
Sam xx

02-10-15, 21:00
Hi Sammie you can get them done through blue horizon but you might find it was your iron levels once their in top of the range you might feel ok mine was low am I bought floradix from boots it's liquid iron got my levels up with it

03-10-15, 09:38
The low iron thing is also interesting. Right about when the palps started back up I had a heavy period (sorry to be blunt!)

I can't see that the doc checked iron in the full blood count but a full blood count would surely show a low iron level. Do you think it's the haemoglobin count that tells you if iron is low?

Good luck both of you, I hope you find the cause & manage to stop on top of them,

In my case, although my heart is considered fine I still really don't know what causes the palps. I'm starting to lean towards a combination of things!

03-10-15, 11:46
Could be your having trouble converting your levothyroxine theirs a fb group called thyroid buddies join up their a wealth of knowledge x

03-10-15, 19:20
Hi Shifty

yes a full blood count would show low iron. My ferritin levels were very low (this is what stores iron in your blood/ body) so i had none stored in my body. The normal levels are i think between 11-5 mine was 6 ! if it had gone any lower i was looking at a blood transfusion x i am starting to slowly feel better but i have to take 600 mg of iron a day so something bought over the counter would not be strong enough i don't think.

lisa ; yes i am hoping when my iron is back to normal the palps will improve as i know low iron puts your heart under stress etc

Basically i hit 40 and everything went to hell in a hand cart as they say health wise ha ha


03-10-15, 22:05
Me to 40 in May an that was it an now I keep getting calls for life insurance haha

06-10-15, 12:53
Hi, just to update everyone..my results from the 24 hour monitor were normal! Although I only had one palpitation the day it was fitted, it is reassuring to know that there is probably not anything seriously wrong with my heart!

Are you feeling any better now?

hi just had private bloods back kept saying to doctor that tsh dosent tell all he wouldnt have it my tsh is in range 1.4 but my free cells are showing im getting to much thyroxine an im over active and i have hashimottos which he said oh no you havent got it lost total faith no right having to pay private i new it was my thyroid causing my palps so got to go an see him tomorrow about a reduction in meds with a letter from the private doctor im going to ask to be reffered to an endo how you feeling now

12-10-15, 23:57
hi there first thing i had were palpitations doctor put me on atenolol till the tryroid test was done i thought it would be overactive but wrong it was underactive strange lol while i am on can anyone recomend good vitimins last tsh was 1.4 but still feel ill thanks in advance