View Full Version : I really need some advice for tomorrow please :(

17-09-15, 19:43
Hi everyone,

I have my graduation ceremony tomorrow, which I've been looking forward to all year, so I've kind of set my expectations up really high.

I'm really anxious about being in a crowded room, wearing many layers, not being able to leave without it being obvious. When I get nervous I shake uncontrollably and my heart rate goes through the roof.

I don't want a panic attack to ruin the day for me or my family.

Are there any tips/bits of advice anybody could give to help me stay calm and in control?

Thank you in advance x

17-09-15, 20:03
Hi Strawbs
Remember that, even though we might think so, not all eyes are on us, people are doing their own thing.
If you need to, at any given time you can juat say you're hot or dizzy or whatever and you can go to the toilet to do a bit of relaxation.
If you want to look on youtube at "eft for anxiety" it's very simple and yet very effective, you could do to the toilet, do that and in a few minutes you will be ok to go back out.
Have a fab time!!! Xx

17-09-15, 20:34

Breathing exercises to keep you calm .....google it it really helps .

Long breath in , hold , then release .

I think its the concentrating on it that helps and takes your mind of panicking .

Sorry i cant be of more help as its not that sort of anxiety i suffer from i,m fine in a crowd its an age thing eventually you don,t give a bugger !

Have a great day and enjoy you will be fine , remember everyone else will be anxious as well up to a certain extent ...that i assure you of .


17-09-15, 20:37
As the others have said, deep breaths and think only of yourself. All the other students will be nervous too.

Have a great day and congratulations on graduating.

18-09-15, 07:35
Breathing helps, it's something you can do quietly to yourself, also can you sit on the end of a row or something? This helped me when I felt a bit nervous in a room like at the cinema, I'd rather sit on the end of the row of chairs so I could leave if I needed to without anyone taking much notice. Like everyone said though they will all be more interested in themselves and not paying any attention to you, well done on your achievement! I wish you all the best xxx