View Full Version : Really worried, need advice please.

18-09-15, 08:57
When I wake up first thing in the morning my heart is beating really fast, is that normal, cause I'm panicking thinking it isn't. Does anybody else's do this.

Should I go to my gp. Please help.

18-09-15, 09:08
I sometimes get that panicky heart palpitations, it happens from time to time, I've actually been to hospital with heart palpitations from anxiety, never in the morning though, usually at night. Everytime i go in a panic my heart is fine and they tell me it is normal to get a racy heart from time to time...

You seem to be ok because you are on here typing, I find going for a long walk down my local high street calms me down, i get to take my mind of it.

Maybe try and think back what may have caused this? caffiene? are you worried about something? did you have a nightmare? etc...

18-09-15, 09:14
Hi, I don't have anything with caffeine in, but I have had ecg's done before and they come back normal. I had a 24hr tape ecg done as well and that come back normal.

18-09-15, 09:17
Hi Margy
I went through a period of waking up with a racinh heart.
I started taking a valerian complex that I was recommended and I don't get it any longer which proves it was nervous x

18-09-15, 09:18
I think the worst thing you can do is give this issue too much attention, but if you feel it is serious might be worth a visit to the GP to put your mind at ease.

But i get that feeling probably 2 times a month, more frequently if there is a major event in my life happening, such as getting married, buying a house, doctor visits etc...