View Full Version : Operation to remove abscess, terrified

18-09-15, 09:26
I've got to have an operation today to remove an abscess, I'm going to be put under general anaesthetic and I'm so scared that I won't wake up.

18-09-15, 09:31
you'll be fine, i got like that last year when i had 'schwannoma' removed from the neck which is like a cyst which grows on the nerves, I was petrified. My wife and dad were there to keep me calm and sane, just take someone sensible with you and remember as soon as you go to sleep you will be awake again like no time has passed at all, with all those wonderful pain drugs, i felt so good and comfortable lol probably a little high.

Be positive and focus on the good outcome....

18-09-15, 09:38
Thank you, I'm so scared, I'm in so much pain, run down and have barely slept for a week.

18-09-15, 09:46
yes i was the same, but be glad that you know what it is, and it's being taken care off, but when you wake up, you will have an amazing feel good feeling lol,

18-09-15, 10:16
hope it goes well for you.


19-09-15, 05:59
Hiya, I've had quite a few ops and can honestly say I've felt brill after. Nice sleep + a bit of morphine is ace!

No need to be scared. They wouldnt do the op if u were high risk. Xxx

19-09-15, 06:32
Thanks hun, by 9pm last night operation still wasn't done. Came home as was physically exhausted and anxiety was an all time high. I was so thirsty. Got to go back at 8 to start whole process again.

19-09-15, 11:27
it will all be okay eventually

these things take time


19-09-15, 16:01
All done, in a lot of pain but feeling quite proud of myself. Xxxx