View Full Version : A few coping tips that worked for me

18-09-15, 12:21
Hi everyone!
I've had anxiety and depression for over 20 years now. So obviously in all that time I've learnt a few coping strategies otherwise I think it would've consumed me by now!

1. I've learnt never to believe that it's gone forever. After my first recovery I was so relieved and never expected it to happen again. Surprise surprise. It did. And again. And again.

2. I try to recognise triggers and like a good Boy Scout I am now PREPARED.

Of course panic and anxiety can sometimes spring out of nowhere to bite you on the behind.

3. When this happens I use a little process which goes as follows:
I take Rescue Remedy, drink Chamomile Tea, I go for a long walk and I walk fast enough to make sure I'm panting and sweating. (I've been known to go walking at 4am much to my dog's surprise and joy!). If I'm out of hearing range I shout, scream, cry, groan and generally sound like a mad person but it's my way of getting it all out of me. I visualize all that adrenaline pouring out with my tears and shouts.
This usually takes the edge of the attack but of course it always sits there just waiting to pounce so I continue to keep myself completely occupied.

4. I NEVER EVER get into bed or sit down and do nothing. That's the best way to encourage more of the same. Don't let your mind take over. Not even for a second.

5. With a day that starts with a 4am walk and continues at a fairly fast pace I'm usually worn out enough to ensure a decent sleep that night and sleep is such a big healer. Very often I find my anxiety is caused by lack of sleep but of course it's never easy to sleep with this condition. One condition feeding another..... So tiring myself out does help.

My anxiety has often caused depression and to combat this I have more strategies in place.
6. I may feel that I can't possibly get out of my bed in the morning when I'm sunk in a low pit of depression. I really really push myself to make the effort though. I do all the things I REALLY don't want to. I shower, wash my hair, put make up on and clothes that make me feel good. I give myself a make-over. I sing (when I'm alone:blush:) and I listen to music that I enjoy.
I do things that make me feel good, like buying a bunch of flowers to put in my bedroom.

Now I know that with depression one doesn't feel like doing all of this and one doesn't expect it to cure the depression. But, little steps........ I take one at a time and even if they only budge the depression a millimetre at a time, every little bit counts.

For me, anxiety is just a bad habit my mind learnt a long time ago. I have never been able to un-learn it, despite years of therapy and medication. So instead I've learnt all these good habits.

It's not a cure, but it helps! And we all need all the help we can get x

18-09-15, 12:59
glad to hear you've found something that works for you! thanks for sharing x

18-09-15, 15:57
Thks for sharing and I'm going to try some of them so thk u

18-09-15, 18:41
thanks for this thread.

i heard Chamomile Tea was meant to be good for you actually, but i only drink peppermint myself (perhaps i should start drinking Chamomile!)


18-09-15, 19:36
Good tips. Thanks for sharing x

19-09-15, 14:55
Good Stuff BeckyB! I always say that a positive mindset is key to beating mental health issues. Positive behaviors go right along with that. When I was in the midst of my depression, I forced myself to go out and walk no matter how bad or unmotivated I felt. I refused to give in to the negativity. That was key in my recovery.

Hopefully people will glean the positives from your post.

Positive thoughts

19-09-15, 19:51
I think it's really important not to see yourself as a victim when in the midst of all this anxiety and depression.

Thank you for sharing your coping mechanisms, Becky. It's hard work remaining positive but you've obviously made great progress over the years and have taken responsibility for your mental health which is so important in my opinion

21-09-15, 10:48
Thanks for sharing this
I'm thinking of trying the shouting and screaming someone else told me to try it too. I find it hard to try keep busy.the day seems so long but I'm going to force myself to look for even little things as it all helps

21-09-15, 10:59
I can't stress how important it is to keep busy and keep your mind occupied. I set tasks for myself so that I'm busy right throughout the day. I must admit I also find the days long because I live in a very isolated spot with no transport and my husband is away at work all day. I found that if I made myself a routine and I stick to it that really helps.
I'm trying to start an online business so that's helping to occupy me.
Helping other people is a good way to find relief too. If you're helping them you tend to forget about your own problems.

28-10-15, 19:39
Thank you for sharing. I'm glad these are very realistic to work with :)

03-09-16, 12:53
"Anxiety is just a bad habit my mind learnt a long time ago". Truer words were never spoken! Thank you for the helpful ideas.

17-10-16, 21:47
Very good coping strategies.

18-10-16, 00:07
thanks for sharing, this is really helpful!!:D