View Full Version : Feeling guilty & a failure

18-09-15, 20:22
hi guys, Iv been posting on here all week, I have been back at my old job for a few days now (after leaving my new job after two weeks due to the sheer stress of the job) & I still feel embarrassed by what's happened, I do really feel like Iv failed. Aside from that I was talking to my mum today about my wedding next year, my mum and dad had kindly agreed to help pay for it as myself & my partner would never have been able to afford it, it's not mega expensive but it's still a lot of money and today my mum said she wished we would have waited 2 years before we booked it so they could have saved longer, I now feel so guilty because I wanted to help pay for it but then I went and gave up my new well paying job and went back to my old job that doesn't pay very well. I'm so annoyed at myself that I couldn't power through it and just stay there but it was making me ill, even though I know this and remember how bad I felt this time last week I still can't stop feeling very pathetic and so guilty that I now can't put money towards the day :weep: It's really getting me down which I don't need on top of all that's happened this week :weep:

19-09-15, 00:09
You're not a failure.

At the end of the day, as long as you can support yourself, money isn't all that matters. It is far better to make less money than to go to work every single day hating your life. It's just not worth it.

As for the wedding, is there any way you could cut down on costs a bit, or even save a little? Even if it's as simple as not eating out one day or not buying that new shirt that you really want, all that can add up over time.

19-09-15, 00:32
Hey ...

If your not up to the stress so be it , its not a problem .

We spend a large amount of our life at work so if the job was crap and not for you well done for going back to your old job .