View Full Version : Help, i feel so terrible

18-09-15, 20:48
Help, i feel so terrible
I'm so scared right now. have had health anxiety for many years. Manly focused on my heart and palpatations. But my new thing is after feeling dizzy for a split secound i think i have a brain tumour. Had such a good day in work felt fine. Then i come home and i'm so aware of every little feeling in my body and especially my head at the moment, i focus so much that my head feels floaty, is it me causing it? I feel so shaky at the moment i think i'm going mad. i hate the fact that i do this to myself, but i can't stop it and i feel so frightend. I know this must sound so crazy and stupid. I want to know if this is just another symptom of anxiety. Please can anyone reasure me. So sorry that i'v gone on, i feel so selfish that i'm so inwardly focused.

18-09-15, 21:18
Yes, it is just another horrible feeling of anxiety. Completely accept this and it will go away xxx

18-09-15, 21:45
Thank you for your reply, it means so much to me. This anxiety is terrible i think this is the worst ever and the most scared ever i have been. xxxx

18-09-15, 22:09
Don't be scared, nothing will happen to you other than you having a bad time. And don't feel selfish for being inwardly focused, this too is part of the anxiety.
Exercise is great for turning your focus outward. Hugs x

18-09-15, 22:30
Thank you for your reasurance and advice. I know i need to do something. It's that feeling of not being in control. I felt i could just about manage the tight chest and palpatations, but the floating feeling is something i can't describe apart from awful,like your losing yourself. Thank you again xxx

21-09-15, 05:21
I get this exact thing, trust me,
It's anxiety. I've had it on and off for 5 years. It was the feeling that led to panic disorder. It's tight neck muscles, scalp tension and also fixation on the feeling will amplify it. If I start thinking about my head, it will automatically start feeling weird. You're focusing on it and I can assure you this makes it so much more intense. It's a form of panic attack and all part of the fight or flight process. Exercise helps a lot because it uses up this adrenaline that is going to our head and causing the weird sensations. Dr once told me a panic attack is your body exercising when it's not. That makes sense. Also you might be breathing shallow which contributes if not causes the spacy feeling. Diaphragmatic breathing helps so much to bring me out of these spells. Hope you feel better soon... You're not alone suffering with this.