View Full Version : Anxiety can cause physical symptoms, right?

19-09-15, 02:29
Is it possible for anxiety to mimic diseases like ALS/MND? For close to 8 months now (nonstop) I've been having symptoms that I have chalked up to anxiety, but keep fearing that I have ALS, at the young age of 20.
It started in January when I got a cramp in my hand and went on to google to see what it could be, low and behold I came across ALS. I looked through all the symptoms and none seemed to match except the cramp symptom, which went away in the next few days.
A few days later I developed
-Difficulty Swallowing (which has subsdided a little now)
-Nasal Voice, although whenever I ask a friend if it's nasal they say no
-Percieved Slurring, I have recorded myself and it appears there is no slurring, but my mind keeps thinking I am slurring.
-Twitches all over my body, normally big throbbing muscle twitches, almost like a heartbeat.
-My right arm FEELS like it's weak but when I test my strength I can still lift the same amount of weight as I could before.
-I am always clearing my throat, it's constant
-Thick, sticky and stringy mucus that is clear
-The feeling of Mucus at the back og my throat and in my throat

Basically what I'm asking is - are all these symptoms possible side-effects of anxiety or is it more likely that I have ALS/MND than have all these 'anxiety' symptoms at once. As I said I am only 20 so the chances of me having ALS are literally in the 1 in a million category but you never know. I just can't seem to shake the fear of this disease. I wish i could because I feel like the symptoms would finally go away if I persuaded myself it wasn't ALS.

Any Advice??

P.S I'm sorry I have to come here and post threads every month or so, but I need to vent sometimes :weep:

19-09-15, 02:36
"Anxiety can cause physical symptoms, right?"

Absolutely! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms)

Positive thoughts

19-09-15, 12:05
God yeah! Your brain is a powerful and dangerous tool. Dangerous in that if we're worried about something, especially about our health for some reason, it's going to trip the switch in our body to start the adrenaline rushing. It can mimic a lot of things.

If it helps any, if you has ALS, the twitches wouldn't be all over your body. Have a look at fmp's link. Helped me a lot at my worst.

19-09-15, 17:35
Had all of these in my ALS fears but got the all clear from a neuro. If you haven't serious weakness by now you have nothing to worry about. I counted all the symptoms I have had and it's around 16 the latest one is itchy skin

19-09-15, 17:56
Yes all those symptoms are very common and it's upsetting that practically every day a younger person comes on here asking the same question.

Maybe it's the world we live in and additional stress which may not always be felt brings on waves of anxiety.

19-09-15, 18:07

anxiety can deffenetly cause physical psymptoms

anything from cold/ hot hands, to aches and pains that usually arn't their

19-09-15, 18:23
Yes! It can cause anything from headaches, aching muscles to skin conditions. It can cause all physical symptoms