View Full Version : Worried about negative thought

19-09-15, 08:18
Since February this year (2015), I have been suffering severe anxiety and panic attacks and experiencing the symptoms of dizziness, nervousness, derealization, migraines etc. My mum who I was very close to sadly passed away last year which made my depression and anxiety worse.

I was starting to feel better last month until a nightmare woke me up and a random negative thought from my past entered my mind.

Here is the negative thought...

About 14 years ago I used to help a guy produce and mix music because I told him I was good at music and I felt it would be good for me to try and be social.

One time he asked me to narrate lines from one of his favourite books to put in with a track we were making and I did that. Anyway the track was finished and nothing else was said about it.

The guy was a very difficult person to get on with and a couple of years later we had a big fall out where he was shouting and swearing at me and kicked me out his house.

I got a email from him four years after the fall out apologising for his behavour and that he would like me to help make music with him again. I didn't reply back because I didn't want to go though his shit anymore.

Anyway just a couple of weeks ago after a nightmare I had which was totally unrelated to the negative thought I started thinking about the time I made music and the time I narrated my voice reading a line from one of his books and I went into depression and anxiety mode.

I started thinking what if he is using my narration for an album and I'm not credited etc. I searched google but found nothing but a blog he had made 10 years ago and low and behold he had released an album that he made with someone else after he fell out with me.

There was no way I can listen to the the tracks to check if my voice/compositions/synth work was on any of the songs. The only sites his album is on is just last.fm and his blog.

I tried to email him but he has never replied back and I've also tried searching for him on facebook but to no avail.

This situation is making my anxiety disorder worse just when I was feeling better and some people are telling me I am being silly and petty worrying over something like that. Also, I cannot stop thinking that he just used me to help him make music. I am scared this is going to bring my anxiety symptoms of dizziness, derealisation and nervousness back.

Please advise.

21-09-15, 10:24

I am really needing some advise over this. Am I being silly getting paranoid over this situation that happened years ago? because it is making me ill. I am starting not sleep well and I am constantly feeling irritable, depressed and highly anxious. I've also started retching in the bathroom sink every morning.

What I find really weird is why I'm now getting worked up about that situation when it happened a lot of years ago when it didn't really bother me before. I don't know if it has to do with me recovering from a 7 months battle with anxiety attacks and the symptoms. I also regret emailing that rat because since he hasn't replied back it has made me worse.

21-09-15, 11:34
A suspicious mind is constantly apprehensive and spotting concealed implications nobody else.You should talk to your psychological health therapist.

21-09-15, 18:59
I'm in the music business. There's a couple of things here to consider. First off, even if he did release it, you have absolutely no legal standing even if he did use your narration unless you had a written contract.

Secondly, he would be solely liable if he released this as there is copywritten published material on the music track. One must obtain the rights/releases to do that. Like I said, I'm in the music industry (CD manufacturing). 99% of all independent releases never sell more than a couple of hundred pieces. If indeed this persons music (with your narration) was to become a hit or be widely distributed, the publishers would have been all over it by now.

This is something not to be concerned with at this point.

Positive thoughts

21-09-15, 19:19
I'm in the music business. There's a couple of things here to consider. First off, even if he did release it, you have absolutely no legal standing even if he did use your narration unless you had a written contract.

Secondly, he would be solely liable if he released this as there is copywritten published material on the music track. One must obtain the rights/releases to do that. Like I said, I'm in the music industry (CD manufacturing). 99% of all independent releases never sell more than a couple of hundred pieces. If indeed this persons music (with your narration) was to become a hit or be widely distributed, the publishers would have been all over it by now.

This is something not to be concerned with at this point.

Positive thoughts

It was so long ago but I remember actually narrating a few lines from a well known sci-fi novel to put on the music I was helping him make if I remember correctly so really it would be (as you stated) the author of that novel who should be bothered. It's just the princible of it being my voice and the fact he fell out with me and im paranoid he is using it on the album that bothers me but I guess I should just try hard and chill out but it's hard considering im recovering from panic attacks and a bad year for my anxiety.

21-09-15, 19:33
As I said. It's a mute point now.

Positive thoughts

15-10-15, 08:43
Having a fruitful life and accomplishing your objectives are abilities that everybody can learn for utilizing mind power. To do as such, the most vital point you have to recollect is: What you concentrate on you attract. But sometimes, this is not possible for someone to do. So, they take medicines to get out of their stress. This is most of the time helpful.