View Full Version : Convinced I have secondary breast cancer

19-09-15, 09:40
I'm back 😞. I've been Googling and all my symptoms point to secondary breast cancer. The shoulder pain and arm numbess has got me really worried. I've been diagnosed with fibrocystic breast disease but I'm telling myself its cancer. I had an ultrasound last December which was clear

19-09-15, 09:54
I know how easy it is too Google (I am one to talk!) but please don't - the results you see will always be worst case scenario and more often than not, cancer. I'm 31 and have thought I have had every single type of cancer there is and guess what? I haven't!

You've had a fairly recent ultrasound and have a diagnosis so I am sure it will be HA doing its thing. Keep an eye on your new spy's for the next week or so and then go back to your GP if you are still really concerned, just for some reassurance.

Take care x

19-09-15, 14:06
Im so scared. The pins and needles feeling is freaking me out. And my hand keeps going in to a spasm

19-09-15, 15:49
Please try not to be scared. Those signs are really common for me during a panic attack.
Breathe slowly and deeply and try to focus on something else if you can - I know it's easier said than done

19-09-15, 15:57
You first posted about this fear nine months ago. If indeed, you had cancer, it would have been discovered by now with the tests and appointments you've had or you would be very ill or no longer with us.

Positive thoughts

20-09-15, 19:43
I had the ultrasound last December so I'm thinking it's either missed something or I've got cancer that's really fast at growing. I'm in so much pain with my shoulder and my arm is tingling and tired. I can't think about anything else. I'm so scared. My husband said he'll massage it later. I've not even told him my fears as he'll probably think I'm nuts. I just think what else could it be? My breast pain has been going on for a year on and off and the arm numbness I've had in may time now it's back but it's worse this time

21-09-15, 17:05
I was in the exact same frame of mind as you - granted I'm male so the chances were pretty slim... but I found a lump in my breast and lumps heading towards my arm pit, mixed with searing nipple and shoulder pain.

Kept going the doctors and they were saying I was fine and that it's just muscular. Weeks went by with no improvement - serious pain, numbness, fatigue in my arm, sore breast and nipple. Can't believe this is muscular - it must be cancer.

Then finally 7 weeks later I noticed it start to ease a bit. 9 weeks later it was gone unless I strained myself and 12 weeks later it's back to normal!

It truly showed me that muscular strain can be a strange beast - it can come almost unprovoked and hang round for a serious period of time!


The link above is where a pulled muscle in your side called a scalene will refer pain and numbness and it takes ages to heal!

As you see the pain and numbness are in your breast, arm, back, shoulder!

21-09-15, 22:48
Its much much more likely that your symptoms are coming from a trapped nerve in your neck. I have severe neck problems and I get every symptom you are mentioning. I also have carpel tunnel syndrome in both wrists and this makes my hands go numb at night as well.

Secondary breast cancer in the bones will make your bones fracture and give very wonky blood test results ( experience of this with my mother).

Have you been back to your Dr and told him your worry about secondary breast cancer in the bones?? Dr should very easily be able to put your mind at rest.

22-09-15, 08:18
I attended my gp yesterday who said I have a rotary cuff injury. She gave me better painkillers and anti inflammatory. Last night I had no pain for a while which was great. I did say to the gp I was worried thinking the pain was due to my breast pain and she said no its this injury but I'm still not convinced. But trying to keep busy and not think like that as I've been ill with worry the past few days.