View Full Version : Hair loss

19-09-15, 11:44
Hi all

I have noticed over the past couple of months that I am losing quite a lot of hair on a daily basis. I only have to run my hand through my hair and there are a few strands in my hand. It's worse when it's wet.

I really look after it and don't blow dry, use products and straighten very often at all. It is dyed dark so I'm wondering if I'm just noticing the hairs more because they're dark (it was dyed very blonde before).

I can see how much it is thinning at the sides and there is no volume to it at all anymore.

I know that this seems like a really unimportant problem when there are others with so much worse problems than me. I am just terrified of losing all of my hair at only 31. Any advice would be most appreciated

19-09-15, 13:38
Hi, at the beginning of this year when my anxiety hit me badly I loss a massive amount of hair. I continued to lose it for about 4 months. It stopped falling out badly and is all re growing again now. Lots of new growth. The doctors put it down to the anxiety and also I'm anaemic which was like a double whammy. I did also see a dermatologist and he confirmed it all too my examining my scalp and reviewing my blood tests and me telling him the history of my anxiety.
It freaked me out at the time how much I was losing especially when I washed it. But, that phase did stop and it's all returning to normal now.

19-09-15, 14:38
I have been loosing really scary amounts of hair (in my case it was a sude effect from a medication). I have been supplementing with iron and magnesium. I'm still losing quite a bit, but I would say that not as much x

19-09-15, 15:53
Around 8 years ago I had alopaecia areata (small round bald spots) but these grew back after a few months and I've had no problems until recently.

Mines worst when washing too and I panic every time I brush. I looked at my pillow this morning and there was loads. This time it's just really thin now, particularly around my temples.

I may speak to my GP to see if he would recommend magnesium or iron then to see if these supplements may help. I've seen the medicated shampoos etc you can have but many have side effects of excess facial hair which I feel would be worse.

19-09-15, 18:58
I have also heard that a lack of zinc can cause hair loss, these are all things that you could maybe ask your doctor to test you for. The results for Magnesium with traditional testing are not very accurate so maybe if you are not on any meds you could take anyway as it is good for anxiety x

19-09-15, 21:02
Thank you. I'll ask about that with the Dr too as I've recently started sertraline.

20-09-15, 15:21
Looking back, I can see how bad my anxiety has been over the last few months, which is when the hair loss started.

I am hoping once the anxiety calms down with the sertraline (side effects at minute are horrendous) it will calm down as you say and you have given me hope for that!

25-01-16, 06:21
Hi I know this is old but before posting a new thread I wanted to see if any others could help me & this one is similar to my situation..,

Since September I feel like, my hair has been shedding more. Like in the brush, in the shower.. When wet after shower. Not coming out in clumps or perfect round bald spots but my hair seems thinner & less full now. I had thick hair to begin with.
At the end of August I had gotten my hair dyed and I dye it a platinum blonde. Underneath is a chocolate. Well my hairstylist left the dye too long on my blonde parts and it really damaged my hair and made it mushy and came out a lot. I was so upset with her and haven't dyed my hair since. But even the underneath is shedding which is the dark. It feel especially thin underneath at the neck. I've been under so much stress emotionally with my anxiety being bad & worrying about a lot. Not to mention I stopped working at my job January 2015 because of an accident I had which that in itself created ally of stress / depression for a few months. Can this be causing my hair to thin? I've got such an anxiety going to brush it and wash it because I hate seeing any hair shed. :( any help?