View Full Version : hi

19-09-15, 13:46
Hello...good start i guess im called Shaun
Ive just suffered the biggest major depressive episode....i knew i was in trouble about 6nwks ago...strarted to have panic attacks when alarm went off in morning,lump in throat,arms weak and shaking and racing heartbeat
i saw Dr and was put on antidepressants straight away....since then ive really gone down hill im signed off work by Dr and panicing now about how i will manage im sure they will have no idea how genuinely ill i am as i am not sleeping now just lay in bed willing myself to sleep
I have been changed to a a/d called mirtazapine been on it about 4 wks 15mg and 30 mg for 10 days and im self reffered to First Step counciling service 1st app in a week

Hope i can get some help and a shoulder to cry on here as im totally alone in a world thats now becime very scarry for me

19-09-15, 13:52
Hiya shaunb and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

19-09-15, 14:03
Hi Shaun and welcome. You are not alone and I hope that from now you will start getting better and better x

19-09-15, 14:43
Hello...good start i guess im called Shaun
Ive just suffered the biggest major depressive episode....i knew i was in trouble about 6nwks ago...strarted to have panic attacks when alarm went off in morning,lump in throat,arms weak and shaking and racing heartbeat
i saw Dr and was put on antidepressants straight away....since then ive really gone down hill im signed off work by Dr and panicing now about how i will manage im sure they will have no idea how genuinely ill i am as i am not sleeping now just lay in bed willing myself to sleep
I have been changed to a a/d called mirtazapine been on it about 4 wks 15mg and 30 mg for 10 days and im self reffered to First Step counciling service 1st app in a week

Hope i can get some help and a shoulder to cry on here as im totally alone in a world thats now becime very scarry for me hi
Shaun I'm here if you ever fancy a chat...I have been the same fir years so know what YOU are going through .....everybody on here is going through the same thing so hopefully we can all support each other....:)

19-09-15, 14:59
Thanks for the warm welcome , i wish there were more nice people in a world ive found recently to be very big and very scarry

19-09-15, 18:03

welcome to the forum X

19-09-15, 18:26
Hey Shaun,

Welcome from a fellow Shaun

19-09-15, 18:35
Hay there Shaun
Nice to hear from another with same name....just hope your not feeling as down and depressed and more importantly alone as myself at moment