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19-09-15, 18:40
Heya all hope its a good day for you all. I was wondering if anyone had done some research on the various things tests can detect. I have had ecgs, echo with droppler ultrasound, chest xrays and monitored overnight in hospital. No one has said anything negative about the results but im still getting chest arm jaw neck pain all classic signs of cardiac pain. The pain comes on in stress, physical exertion, wakes me up, etc. It lasts for various amounts of time, sometimes comes and goes or lasts for hours it really scares me. I dont want to go bk to doctors or a and e but the fear of heart disease is always on my mind.the pain is like a pressured ache and will ache or shoot down my arms, it can even spread out over days. Ne ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys sorry to keep on like this, just want to shake this fear

20-09-15, 02:13
It's hard to tell which test you should have without more information, but if your pain comes with physical exertion, I think the stress echo could de appropriate. It's just like a normal stress test, but once you reach your maximum heart rate they will make a echo to check how your heart is doing. If you are worried about this, go to a cardiologist and ask for all the possible tests.. at least you will be more relaxed after that.