View Full Version : Lymphoma - lumps in neck :(

19-09-15, 20:10
Been worrying about lymphoma for months now!! Started when I hurt neck felt a lump in area that was injured went to doctor who said a cyst. Still worried I went back to another doctor who also said cyst and they both said they are not lymph nodes but I'm convinced they are! Now there's a smaller on right beside the other I'm totally freaking out now as not sure if it's always been there 😓. Both lumps are very small and mobile. I also have dry skin on knees and elbows that itch. Can't live life for worrying.

20-09-15, 21:58
Im having the same worried as you lately but with many many more symptoms, if you genuinely are worried can you not ask for an ultrasound? They can usually identify a cyst from this I believe?

21-09-15, 01:39
Lymphoma lumps are generally very hard and immobile. They are also big enough to be noticed.

If you have 2 Drs telling you they aren't lymph nodes, you MUST trust someone with 6+ years of medical training.

The distrust is HA playing it's trick.

If it were lymphoma you'd also be having plenty of other symptoms as well - and the lumps wouldn't stay the same, small size.

Please try to trust your Dr and live a happy life :)

09-04-18, 19:00
I had the itching and lymphoma scare too.....what did the doctors say about your itching

09-04-18, 19:02
This is an old thread. The OP hasn't been on since 2016.

Positive thoughts