View Full Version : Anyone else get immense anxiety when reading about someone dying?

20-09-15, 07:37
I've just read about Jackie Collins dying from breast cancer and after having my own scare and worry recently, my anxiety has gone through the roof.

Does anyone else get this, if they read a story in the media?

20-09-15, 09:18
I get worried all the time by this especially with cancer as I would have usually had previously had that particular worry.

20-09-15, 10:44
I used to up until a few months ago but after a terrible health scare and finally accepting that this is going to happen sooner or later it doesn't happen to me any more x

20-09-15, 10:46
I get really bad anxiety when I read about someone dying from heart disease.

20-09-15, 10:57
Yes, I do, I hate it, also the cancer adverts, too much. I'm a bit better now and don't turn it over but try to not listen to it :-(

20-09-15, 11:13
yes i do as well.

usually for me it leads to the thought process of.. well, their's so many ways to die- and so many ways that life can be cut short.

when is it going to happen to me?

but i also know that some people die from things that they do to their body (like smoke, take drugs, etc etc) i avoid all that

but you just never know do you.. when today could be your last day

20-09-15, 11:55
I only really get if I hear about someone around my own age (23) dying as it makes me realize that being young doesn't stop you from dying early from illness, accidents or even just for no reason at all.

20-09-15, 12:38
Yes, i tend to overthink someone`s death for days afterwards. Especially if it was some type of cancer, then my anxiety symptoms are really prominent for a week or so.
I have a terminally ill cancer patient that is my realtive and since i have seen them like two months ago i tend to think about him. Doctors say there is not hope and yesterday i was really sad and scared because of it. I sat in my room overthikning and my whole body was shaking from sadness and anger that nothing can be done.

20-09-15, 16:12
Definitely get this especially when it's someone with a similar age - i.e. I'm 21 atm.

However, I heard of a family friend who had lung cancer @ 50 with no smoking or anything and that made me pretty sad and got me super anxious and freaked out as well :(

Dornish Red
20-09-15, 16:23
I feel terrible anxiety when reading that someone died from some kind of illness.
The other day I read about some poor kid who died of lymphoma, and of course I startet to feel pain in my lymph nodes in my neck the same evening. :wacko:
When I read something like that, I immediately start thinking about why should I be spared of getting cancer or other serious condition. It's crazy, I try very hard to stop thinking like that.

21-09-15, 08:51
Rik Mayall dying from a heart problem after coming home after a jog makes me really nervous when I go for a jog. All these footballers having heart attacks freak me out, especially as they are younger and fitter than me.

For some reason, I seem to overlook the fact that Rik Mayall had a load of other health issues and the footballers had genetic problems or had never been tested before.

I've been tested so hopefully it would have shown any problems but when I hear stories, I forget all that!

21-09-15, 14:41
I do, I get anxious as soon as I read the title, and even though I want to keep scrolling and forget about it, I click on the link and have to read about the cause of death or all the details I can find.
I'd even go on google and do some more research if I need to. I don't know why, but I hate it.
And I've heard/read about a lot of people fainting and dying while doing crossfit/soccer/etc, so that makes me worry every time I think about running.
It's like, there's no known cause, they just die mid run, it's terrifying.

21-09-15, 15:47
Big-time!!!! :scared15:

21-09-15, 20:50
Yes I get this all the time. I was feeling anxious yesterday when I read about Jackie Collins. Usually it gets worse when someone is my or my children's ages :(

21-09-15, 23:49
Meee!. I read earlier about a young girl dying from cervical cancer docs fobbed her off...my heart starts racing n feel sick!.. i do the same as LandItInTheHudson i have to click on it to read the symptoms they had, cause of death ect.. n then google if i want more info on the story!.. literally just done it 10 mins ago, the story of rick tomlinson appealing for a photo of his dead son that was in his car that got pinched!.. then went on google to find out what his son died off! ��