View Full Version : Intense fear of seizures at the moment

20-09-15, 10:48
Right now, it is 5:47am. I just woke up and I swear I was seeing flashing lights. My mind was racing and I can't slow it down. I have a headache and my eyes hurt. I'm so scared I'm getting a seizure or something else wrong with my brain. I feel like my brain is getting beyond my control. I'm so scared :(

Any advice is appreciated.

20-09-15, 11:47
I have this fear also. I get the flashing lights when in bed trying to go to sleep and it's as if my heads buzzing. I had it last night. I think it's stress xx

20-09-15, 11:51
Do you know about hypnagogia (when falling asleep and within 2 hours of start of sleep) and hypnopompia (waking)? These are natural states that we all go through and during them there are many documented phenomena e.g. sleep paralysis, hearing voices, hallucinatoty images, tetris effect, etc.

They cover auditory and visual phenomena. Wiki has an excellent explanation along with some of the documented phenomena. Whilst anxiety is not connected, since all people can experience them, stress does make them more frequent. But these are normal states, hence no treatment is available or needed.

20-09-15, 17:34
I don't know about those things, will look into them. Thanks!

08-10-15, 07:54
The best advice I can give you is go to the hospital and have a check up. From the looks of it you really do might be having a seizure. Prevent it before it became a full blown epilepsy. Have a EEG test to be sure. Don't let this problem control you. Manage it before it even begun.