View Full Version : advice please

20-09-15, 11:05
Im not really happy camper at moment...i have had a major depressive epidode and really dropped off ,not eating hardly anything now, no will to do anything, sleep is my biggest and worst friend(i have none anyway)
Im now starting to get panic attacks ...lump in throat arms weak and tingling, thumping heart beat....and thats reslly hard to sleep with in ear on pill
im on mirtazapine 30mg Dr wont give sleep pills as they dont like giving them out
Im booked im with First Step counciling team,thats still a week and hslf away how do i get through this horrid time

21-09-15, 05:10
One day at a time. Try to stay in the moment and practice deep breathing and positive visualisation. It's a great step you're taking with counselling and it will help you a lot but in the meantime the key is to stay in the moment and stay as distracted as you can with things you like to do. I am suffering major depression myself on account of my panic being so bad I don't want to leave my house and I have no solutions, I just know it gets better. What Things do you like to do that you are able to do for now? The key is to stay present, do something you love that relaxes you, and avoid anxiety triggers. Your panic attack symptoms are classic panic attack symptoms. 4,7,8 breathing is amazing for panic. Inhale 4, hold for 7, breathe out for 8. And know that we all go through it and you're not alone. It's a horrible experience but you will be just fine.

I had major sleep problems too. I avoided all caffeine before bed and had a glass of warm milk. There's also an exercise you can do in bed where you tense the muscles in your body, hold and quickly release. It puts your body into a sleepy state. What is stopping your from sleeping, thoughts or physical feelings?

22-09-15, 19:41
Hi im not able to work at mo...so my sleeping /awake time is all over place
i still have a week to go till 1st appointment with counciling..,panicing about work and money
Took an over dose of tamazapam...10mg took 4 over 12 hrs , called 111 told me to go to Dr , shr said community mental health would call me,never did,
I know im ill and crying out for help.?,just dont want to do anything silly