View Full Version : Is this a PA

11-02-07, 13:25

After reading this site I think I may have had a couple of panc attacks before. I just don't understand how the physical symptoms can be so bad though-its unbelievale. Yesterday I think I had a bad panic attack (like any are good!?) and would like to know if this is how it happens.

Yesterday I went into work early to do overtime. I got lots of work done, had a laugh with my collegues- all pretty much stress free but then it happened.
I was stood at the photocopier and suddenly felt everything rush away from me. I went dizzy (kind of like the feeling you can sometimes get when you stand up to fast) and felt the tightness/pressure in my chest was so bad I couldn't breath. I honestly thought it was a blockage in my lungs or heart and I was going to die.
I felt a need to get away and managed to make it down the office on jelly legs to the toilets where I felt pretty bad for about 5 minutes. My heart was beating so fast and I couldn't breathe properly, I eventually felt okay and went back to my desk.
I couldn't stop shaking for about 20 minutes after the attack and just told people at work it was because I was cold. I left work about an hour later but just felt awful for the rest of the day.
I am kind of angry and embarrassed about what had happened yet scared It's going to happen again.
Does this sound familiar to anyone, I don't consider myself a nervous person and just don't know where all this has come from!! [?]

Don't let the sun go down on your grievances.

11-02-07, 15:58
elo Jo,


Sorry to say but yes this is all too familiar to me...panics....the breathlessness, sweatn, shakn etc.....it is so scarey....i rem wen i had my first one...i too thought i was gona die...

R you reall stressed out atm?? as this cud b a reason y this came on...

Altho it is scarey...try not to worry bout it....its hard...but it doesnt mean ur goin to have another one....

Because it is so scarey we fear it happening again....n that is really the worst thing we shud do...

Try to just sit n analise wot is goin on in ur life.....anxiety n panic attacks cannot kill us....always rem that...it can hav many physical symptoms pains in chest, arms o sooo many things.....

Please take a look at the home page on this site n read thru the information there.....it will b very helpful to you..

We are all here to support n help each other so feel free to post n ask as many questions as you like.....

I hope this gives u a lil reassurance hun...just try to think positive n not too much on what happened, cos it is all in our thought process...so sending you positive vibes hun..x

Take care,
Lin xxx
"Fear is dat lil darkroom, wer negatives r developed", so positive thoughts okies!!!!!

11-02-07, 17:25
:D Thank you loads to Lin and Nigel for taking time to read and reply to me.
I've read heaps of useful information on this site, and peoples own experiences have been really helpful.
Maybe I am a bit stressed of late- I've caught myself clenching my teeth a few times but thought it was just due to being cold!?

I feel lots better today and maybe that's what it's all about- positive thinking and giving yourself a break. At least I now know I'm not alone and have somewhere to talk about. I really don't want to be sharing this with my friends and family right now.

I've read on this site about people having a few panic attacks a day, they must be really strong people. I had one experience and I was a total wreck. I would never have thought the physical symptoms of a PA could be so real and deliberating.

Take care and Thanks again.

Don't let the sun go down on your grievances.

12-02-07, 14:56
Hi Jo

Just wanted to welcome you aboard and lovely to see you here.

Glad it is helping already.


People will forget what you said
People will forget what you did
But people will never forget how you made them feel

13-02-07, 04:49
Hi Jo,

Thanks so much for posting your symptoms. I have gotten help indirectly from you by reading Nigel's posts responding to yours! So thank you both for your help. Tonight's a rough one for me. I had a panic attack for the first time last night, and I'm almost afraid to go to bed (it happened in my sleep and woke me). Thanks again, you two.

Best to both of you,


“Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.”

13-02-07, 04:55
Hi Jo,

Thanks so much for posting your symptoms. I have gotten help indirectly from you by reading Nigel's posts responding to yours! So thank you both for your help. Tonight's a rough one for me. I had a panic attack for the first time last night, and I'm almost afraid to go to bed (it happened in my sleep and woke me). Thanks again, you two.

Best to both of you,


“Life is a tragedy when seen in close-up, but a comedy in long-shot.”

13-02-07, 05:58
It might be a good idea to go to Dr first to rule out anything else it does sound very much like PA,your first initial thought your heart and lungs and u were going to die a very normal reaction the rest of your day was uncomfortable because u have already got it in your head that it was a major organ that will kill u so u will be thinking that all the time if your Dr rules out everything else u will not die of a panic attack however much pain u get dont never be affraid of whats happened and dont convince yourself ur going to die hun coz you wont its all in the thought process terrry

13-02-07, 16:15

It's funny you should mention the teeth clenching. It was one of the first things I noticed about myself when I was having panic attacks. I clenched my teeth often throughout the day without really thinking about it, because I was anxious or fearful or fretting about another panic attack. I rarely do it at all anymore though, because by noticing it I was able to recognize when I was clenching my teeth and to stop. Clenching them can make them hurt a bit over time.

The situation you describe sounds very much like a panic attack, I cannot be certain but it definitely sounds like one. If this is new for you, it would be a good idea to see a Doctor and make sure things are ok. There are some conditions that can cause symptoms just like panic attacks. I won't go into detail about them because I don't want to spook you, it's a good idea though, to get a check up from your Doctor. Some blood work, make sure your blood pressure and cholestorol and the rest is ok. That should help put your mind to ease about the physical symptoms.

Also, you say you may have been under more stress than usual lately, that can also bring on panic attacks, particularly if you struggle very hard to repress nervous thoughts. At least, that's how it has been in my experience. Had you done anything different than usual when that panic attack came on? For example, if you'd drinken more caffeine than usual, hadn't slept as well as you usually do, or even had a hangover. All these things can turn anxiety to panic attacks.

If it is a panic attack, it's nothing to worry about as it can't hurt you, it's just scary and uncomfortable. I would still suggest seeing a Doctor to be sure everything is in good shape though.

Good luck to you and God bless you
