View Full Version : warm sensation down left leg (outer)

20-09-15, 14:21
hi guys new here so ill start of with my symptoms yesterday got a weird warm sensation on my both feet like they where warm but they where actually cold to touch. but now im getting this feeling mostly down my left leg like its warm sensation like a flush. a did google which was probaly not the best idea to do! lol. but a do suffer from anxiety so am wondering if its that cause there no heat like alot coming of it and theres no swelliin or that either plus no cramping etc. but a do get ache pains round my body but ive always had them since I first got anxeity back in 2013. a get nervous thinking ive got a blood clot etc and its driving me crazy but im just wondering what you guys thought thanks :)

plus my back aches when i move it in a certain way to so might be nerve damage cause a sit at office chair kind of like in a arch position.

21-09-15, 09:26
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Sciatica is a possibility. You can get tingling sensations down the left hand side, so the leg, bottom and foot/toes. Some people have said they get it down the right.

So, is your back near your bottom, like as if you have been sitting on an object for a long period of time?

Poor posture in crappy office chairs are a well known cause of back problems like sciatica. Your employer can always get their occupational health people to assess your needs as a more supportive chair. (some look like they would be at home in a spaceshuttle!)